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THE SANTA ANA CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON <br />PUBLIC SAFETY AND NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT <br />BY — LAWS <br />ARTICLE I — NAME <br />The Committee shall be known as the Santa Ana City Council Committee on Public <br />Safety and Neighborhood Improvement. <br />ARTICLE II - PURPOSE <br />The Committee shall consider policy matters related to public safety and neighborhood <br />improvement issues, brought or referred by a Committee member, the City Manager, or a <br />City Department head. <br />ARTICLE III — POWERS AND DUTIES <br />The Committee shall receive input from staff, citizens, business people and other groups <br />and interests in the City in regards to policies or projects that affect public safety and <br />neighborhood improvement issues in the City of Santa Ana. <br />The Committee shall provide input and recommendations regarding the implementation <br />of policies related to public safety and neighborhood improvement. The Committee will <br />not provide direction in matters requiring discretionary approval of City staff. Items <br />requiring City Council direction shall be referred to the full City Council. <br />ARTICLE IV — COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE <br />SECTION A — Members <br />The Committee shall be composed of three sitting members of the Santa Ana <br />City Council. <br />SECTION B - Officers <br />The officers shall be a Chair and a Vice - Chair. <br />The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Committee. The Chair shall report, <br />at the next regular City Council meeting regarding items reviewed by the Committee. <br />SECTION C — Term <br />The officers shall be elected by a majority of the members during the January <br />meeting of the Committee and shall take office immediately. Nominations shall be made <br />from the floor. <br />SECTION D — Secretary <br />A Secretary shall be appointed from staff. The secretary shall keep a true and <br />accurate record of all meetings of the Committee, shall issue notice of all regular and <br />65A -10 <br />