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3, Repg pent of the Loan. Trustor will promptly repay, when due, ffic <br />principal loan amount, as required by the City HOME Promissory Note secured by this <br />Deed of Trust. <br />4. Subordination. This obligunon secured by this Deed of Trust shall be <br />subordinated to the Senior Loan, but the City's Affordability Restrictions onTransfier of <br />Property shall remain in first place. <br />5. Prior Mortgages and Deeds of Trust Charges; Liens. Trustor shall perform <br />all of` ruster's obligations tinder any mortgage, decd of trust or other secutityagrecinent <br />with a lien which has priority over this instrument, including Trustor's covenants to make <br />payments when due (subject to an applicable notice and cure provisions). Trustor will pay <br />all (axes, assessments and other charges, Rues and impositions attributable to the Seculity <br />which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, byThistor making any payment, when <br />due., directly to the payee thereof. Truster will promptly furnish to the Beneficiary all <br />notices of amounts due tinder this paragraph, and in the event Trustor makes payment <br />directly, Trustor will promptly discharge any lien which lifts priority over this Deed of Trust; <br />provided that Trustor will not be required, to discharge the lien of the Deed of Trust scouring <br />any senior lender or tiny other lien described in this paragraph so long as Trustor will agree <br />in ,writing to the payment of the obligation secured bysuch lien in a manner acceptable to <br />(lie Beneficiary, or will, in good faith, con(est such lien by, or deforid enforcement of such <br />lien in, legal proceedings which operate to prevent the criforccuient of the lien or forfeiture <br />of the Security or any part thereof. <br />6. flaZard Insurance. Truster will keep the Security insured by such insurance, <br />policies in such aniounts, and for such periods as called lbr in the Agreement All insurance <br />policies and renewals thercof will include a standard uwwtgagee clause - with standard <br />lender's endorsement in Cavor of the holder of any senior lender and the Beneficiary as their <br />The Beneficiary shall <br />have thierigitt to hold, or cause its designated agent to hold, the policies and renewals <br />thereof, and Trustor shall promptly furnish to the Beineficiary, or its designated agent, the <br />original insunntce policies or certificates of insurance, all Mnewal notices and all receipts of <br />paid premiums. In (lie event of loss, Trustor will give prompt notice to the insurance carrier <br />and the Beiieficitu-y or its designated agent, `the Beneficiary, or its designated agent, may <br />make proof of loss if not made promptly by Trustor. Via Burieficiary shall receive 30 days <br />advance notice of cancellation of any insurance policies required tinder this Section. <br />Unless the BenQficiary and,rrustor otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds, <br />subject to the rights of any senior lender, will be applied it) restoration or repair of the <br />Security damaged, provided such restoration or repair is economically reasihic and the <br />s <br />sceurity of this Deed of Trust is not thereby impaired, If such restoration or repair is not <br />economically f4asibic or if the security of (his Deed of Trust would be impaired, again, <br />subject to the rights of tiny senior lender, the insurance proceeds will be used to repay the <br />loan secured by this Deed of Trust, tkrith the excess,, if any, paid to Trustor. Ir the See unity is <br />abandoned by Trustor, or if Trustor ffiils to respond to the Beneficiary, or its designated <br />agent within 30 days froin the (late notice is mailed by either of them to Trustor that the <br />25B-59 <br />