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2. A Grid Prune is performed when conditions within the crown of a <br />hardwood tree are such that the entire tree needs to be fully pruned. <br />Complete pruning is recommended when the primary objective is to <br />maintain or improve tree health and structure, and includes pruning to <br />reduce overall canopy mass and excessive wood weight. Trees that are <br />identified for a Grid Prune shall have no more than 25% of the live <br />foliage removed. A Grid Prune typically consists of one or more of the <br />following pruning treatments found in sections a., b, c., d., e. and f below: <br />3. A Large Scale Prune is performed when conditions within the crown of a <br />hardwood tree are such that the entire tree needs to be fully pruned. <br />Complete pruning is recommended when the primary objective is to <br />maintain or improve tree health and structure, and includes pruning to <br />reduce overall canopy mass and excessive wood weight. Trees that are <br />identified for a Large Scale Prune shall have more than 25% of the live <br />foliage removed, have a diameter breast height above 29 ", and /or a 50' <br />spread. All Large scale pruning shall be pre- authorized by the City <br />Arborist or designee. A Large Scale Prune typically consists of one or <br />more of the following pruning treatments found in sections a., b, c., d., e. <br />and f below: <br />4. A Service Request Prune shall require Contractor to provide tree <br />maintenance services on designated tree(s) as ordered by the City <br />Arborist or designee. Duration of tree maintenance services could be <br />less than one full work day, requiring Contractor to mobilize to another <br />work area. Most assignments will require several job site set ups to <br />perform the work dependent on field conditions. A Service Request <br />Prune typically consists of one or more of the following pruning <br />treatments found in sections a., b, c., d., e. and f below: <br />a. Structural Prune: Structural Pruning is the removal of live <br />branches and stems to influence the orientation, spacing, growth <br />rate, strength of attachment, and ultimate size of branches and <br />stems. Structural pruning is used on young and medium -aged <br />trees to help engineer a sustainable trunk and branch <br />arrangement. If young trees are pruned to promote good <br />structure, they likely will remain serviceable in the landscape for <br />more years than trees that have not been structurally pruned. <br />This pruning type can be summed up in the phrase: subordinate <br />or remove codominant stems. Small- maturing trees and shrubs <br />are structurally pruned to properly space codominant stems, <br />reduce or remove rubbing limbs, and provide desirable crown <br />configuration. All branches are to be kept less than half the trunk <br />diameter. Spacing scaffold limbs allows for the trunk and leader <br />to develop properly, gives the canopy a more balanced form, and <br />reduces wind resistance. Suppress growth on branches with <br />included bark to minimize the chance of breakage. <br />b. Crown Cleaning: Crown Cleaning or cleaning out is the removal <br />of dead, diseased, crowded, weakly attached and low -vigor <br />branches and water sprouts from the entirety of the tree crown. <br />Cleaning is the selective removal of dead, diseased, detached, <br />and broken branches. This type of pruning is done to reduce the <br />risk of branches falling from the tree and to reduce the <br />movement of decay, insects, and diseases from dead or dying <br />branches into the rest of the tree. It can be performed on trees of <br />City of Santa Ana Street Tree Maintenance RFP <br />19E-29 Page 26 <br />