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city identifying the hot spots, and met with Senator Correa and Senator Sanchez on <br />how to obtain funding. Commented that the city has the responsibility to make sure <br />safety comes first before speed, noted the Police Department started their initiative <br />several months ago giving tickets to pedestrians and motorists and provided <br />education on bike safety, noted Public Works has gone out to schools promoting the <br />Safe Routes to School program, noted the placement of speed readers with the <br />assistance of City Engineer William Galvez. Noted when working with OCTA and <br />receiving funding from Measures M1 & M2 to keep in mind that as they provide <br />funding, it does not mean we have to follow suit, adding OCTA's main goal is to <br />increase speeds on the arterials. Noted we have the ability to change the speeds in <br />the city and need to start with that first, then the street design, when new <br />developments occur, and that safety needs to come first. Noted when OCTA wants <br />to widen a street, we need to pause and set policy and advise OCTA we are going to <br />do business differently and give staff direction to reduce speeds in the city with <br />safety a priority, adding we may not be able to accept funding. <br />Committee member Benavides commented on the tragedy on Fairhaven, noted the <br />makeup of the city, the density and congestion with different priorities and issues, <br />need to rank and figure what as policy makers we want to focus our energies on with <br />direction of staff and funds, noted different steps the city can take with the General <br />Plan Update /Vision Plan and the Circulation Element process, Strategic Plan to go <br />back and look at issues around pedestrian safety and take a step back in light of all <br />these different plans, where does the Vision Zero Plan fit in. Noted having a Study <br />Session would be helpful for the Council where all members can be included in this <br />conversation and asked the City Manager and staff to assist in taking the city where <br />it can be and have these conversations and think outside of the box. <br />City Manager Cavazos noted policy direction is very important and indicated OCTA <br />has been previously told the city was not interested in some studies such as South <br />Main where the purpose of the study was to increase the speed and Bristol Street. <br />Noted voters in San Francisco approved the funding of the project and if we have <br />comprehensive outreach and strong policy direction from the Council, people will <br />support safer streets, and noted it will come down to funding and priorities. <br />Vice Chair Martinez noted the need to have the comprehensive plan since the <br />Circulation Element is being updated to include the Mobility Plan, to include the <br />safety component within the complete street plan and have a bike and pedestrian <br />master plan. Also, the Community Engagement Plan will allow us to hear from the <br />community and ensure the various plans are integrated, and discussed the <br />possibility of going out to voters to approve plans and funding, and in the interim to <br />look at the Capital Improvement Plan on what we can do now to improve lighting and <br />signage. <br />Ms. Haluza noted with new direction on active transportation, we are looking at <br />making these concrete changes in our culture and how we look at designing our <br />streets, funding them and use that policy document for the Circulation Element. <br />Mr. Mousavipour noted five weeks ago the City Manager authorized staff to <br />commence the Citywide Traffic Calming Master Plan which is similar to Vision Zero <br />Plan that highlights "Triple E "— enforcement, engineering and education, will <br />Development & Transp. Council Committee Minutes November 6, 2014 <br />