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COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATION DISCLOSURE (REGARDING AGENDIZED <br />PROJECTS): <br />Commissioner Bauer spoke to City Attorney Sonia Carvalho and Assistant City <br />Attorney Ryan Hodge who confirmed that conversations regarding the election of <br />officers did not require disclosure since elections are not discretionary. <br />Commissioner Gartner disclosed that he had conducted preliminary consulting work <br />for South Coast Speedwash approximately two years ago, but is now beyond statute <br />of limitations; he has not been involved with the project as presented to the <br />Commission (agenda item no. 5). <br />Commissioner Bacerra and Chair Alderete disclosed that they spoke with John <br />Palacio (agenda item no. 2). <br />Vice Chair Mill disclosed that he spoke with John Palacio, Sam Romero and <br />Maureen Bricken (agenda item no. 2). <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />2. PUBLIC FACILITIES NAMING NO. 2015 -02 <br />(Applicant: John Palacio) <br />Legal notice published in the Orange County Reporter on February 24, 2015 and <br />notices mailed February 26, 2015. <br />A project overview was provided by Ivan Orozco, <br />Assistant Planner I. Chair Alderete opened the public hearing. Commissioner <br />Bacerra invited any member of the public to come forward to share stories about <br />former mayor, Gordon Bricken. Mike Tardiff spoke in support of the project, as well <br />as John Palacio who spoke on behalf of the Bricken family and friends that were <br />present. There were no other speakers and the hearing was closed. <br />MOTION: Adopt a resolution approving Public Facilities Naming No. 2015 -02 <br />to name the pedestrian bridge at the Santa Ana Regional Transportation <br />Center as the Gordon Bricken Pedestrian Bridge. <br />MOTION: Mill <br />SECOND: Nalle <br />VOTE: AYES: <br />Alderete, Bacerra, Bauer, Gartner, Mill, Nalle, Verino (7) <br />NOES: <br />None (0) <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None (0) <br />ABSENT: <br />None (0) <br />3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2014 -46 <br />(Applicant: Northgate Market, 1120 S. Bristol) <br />Legal notice published in the Orange County Reporter on February 24, 2015 and <br />notices mailed February 26, 2015. <br />A project overview was provided by Ivan Orozco, <br />Assistant Planner I. Chairman Alderete opened the public hearing. Commissioner <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 MARCH 9, 2015 <br />