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IV - ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES AND MITIGATION MEASURES <br />This section contains an analysis of the impacts which can be expected upon the <br />implementation of the preferred alternative. Where feasible or practical, measures <br />have been identified for inclusion in the project which will mitigate the severity of the <br />identified impacts. Section VII.0 of this document discusses the significance of any <br />impacts identified which cannot be mitigated to insignificant levels. <br />Several technical studies have been prepared to provide the technical basis for this <br />environmental document, and are hereby incorporated by reference. These <br />specialized studies, which are listed below, are available from the City of Santa Ana <br />Public Works Agency, 101 West Fourth Street, Santa Ana, California 92702. <br />Traffic and Circulation Impact Analysis, <br />Willdan Associates, May 1987 <br />Historic Property Survey Report, <br />Willdan Associates, May 1987 <br />Draft Relocation Impact Study, <br />Willdan Associates, February 1988 <br />Air Quality and Noise Technical Studies, <br />Endo Engineering, May 1987 <br />Biological Assessment for Santiago Creek Channel, <br />Dr. Richard Vogl, March 1987 <br />Evaluation of Existing Bristol Street Bridge at Santiago Creek, <br />Willdan Associates, December 1986 <br />A. LANDFORM MODIFICATION <br />Consequences <br />The preferred alignment would not result in any significant modifications to <br />the present landform in the project area. Construction of new pavement, curb, <br />gutter and sidewalk will result in virtually no changes to the current shape, <br />direction and elevation of the ground surface in the study area. In fact, <br />probably all areas that will be disturbed during street construction activities <br />have previously been disturbed. <br />New landscaped berms, two to four feet in height, could be introduced into the <br />proposed parkways along both sides of Bristol, constituting a different surface <br />IV -1 <br />75C -136 <br />