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EPA in AP42. Fugitive dust generations can be reduced by half through dust <br />suppression techniques such as regular watering during construction <br />((particularly on unpaved areas used by construction vehicles.) <br />Diesel construction equipment constitutes approximately 90 percent of the <br />heavy construction machinery in use today. It emits on the average about one - <br />half pound of NOx (and smaller amounts of CO and THC) for each gallon of <br />fuel burned (EPA AP -42). Construction equipment emission rates on very <br />active days may total several hundred pounds of contaminants per hour. <br />Construction of the proposed project is expected to begin in mid -1993, <br />although no start-up date has been firmly established. It has been estimated <br />that completion of the project could require an estimated 24 construction <br />vehicles over a 6 month period, with construction activities occurring <br />continuously. <br />Based upon this estimate, Table 13 provides the vehicle emission projections <br />from diesel construction equipment. As shown therein over the construction <br />period, the following could be emitted: 38 pounds of CO, 15 pounds of HC, <br />178 pounds of NOx, 13 pounds of SOx, and 11 pounds of particulates, daily, <br />Exhaust emissions during the construction activities will vary from day to day <br />as construction activity levels change but should be minimal and dispersed <br />without significant impact on sensitive receptors. The construction crew will <br />generate an insignificant amount of air pollutants along the various site access <br />routes. <br />Primary Pollutant <br />CO <br />THC <br />NOx <br />sox <br />Particulates <br />Table 13 <br />Construction Equipment Emissions' <br />Pounds Per Day <br />38.1 <br />15.0 <br />178.4 <br />13.1 <br />10.7 <br />' See Page 4 of the Appendix of the Endo study for assumptions and <br />calculations. <br />Source: Endo Engineering <br />IV -10 <br />75C -145 <br />w <br />R <br />w <br />w <br />w <br />w <br />