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Table 18 summarizes the noise levels at the fifteen typical locations evaluated <br />along Bristol Street. The maximum one -hour equivalent noise levels for a 5.0- <br />foot receptor are shown for several scenarios including: <br />1. Existing noise levels at the outdoor activity area (accounting for local <br />attenuation by existing noise barriers); <br />2. Future design year noise levels without project implementation (no <br />project alternative); and <br />3. Future design year noise levels with the three proposed alternatives, <br />including mitigation in the form of a 6 -foot or 8 -foot barrier at the <br />right -of -way. (Also included are the barrier heights necessary to <br />provide a 5 dBA attenuation from the "no- mitigation" condition, and the <br />height to break the line -of -sight between a 5.5 -foot receptor and a 11.5 - <br />foot truck exhaust stack located at the equivalent source to barrier , <br />distance). <br />The locations that exceed the federal exterior noise criteria with at least one <br />of the alternatives are discussed in further detail below. For all eight _ <br />locations, the proposed Bristol Street right -of -way is 120 feet and the noise <br />barrier is located 60 feet from the roadway centerline. All calculations assume <br />level terrain, and typically address conditions located 6 feet from the front or <br />back of the house (to represent activity areas). <br />Measurement Site 1 was in the front yard of a single family dwelling located <br />north of Santa Clara Avenue. All three alternatives propose to remove this <br />dwelling. <br />Measurement Site 2 was located adjacent to an outdoor activity area in an <br />elementary school playground, 23 feet from the right -of -way. Alternatives 1, 2 <br />and 3 assume that the existing 23 feet remains between the right -of -way and <br />play area. As shown in Table 18, a 6 -foot barrier constructed at the right -of- - <br />way will be adequate to reduce noise levels to acceptable levels. <br />Measurement Site 3 was at a multi- family dwelling complex and a common <br />recreational area south of Santa Clara Avenue. All three alternatives propose _ <br />to remove this dwelling. <br />rV -28 <br />75C -163 <br />