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traffic was assigned to the nearest open street in the general direction of M <br />original travel. <br />The yellow school crosswalk markings on the north leg of Bristol Street at St. <br />Andrews Place will be removed in conjunction with the traffic signal <br />installation at Glenwood Place. Pedestrians will be directed to use the <br />signalized intersection as a safer crossing location. <br />The traffic signal at the Bristol Street /Glenwood Place intersection is currently <br />under construction. Left turn and through maneuvers can be made more <br />easily and safely from signal controlled intersections than from adjoining minor <br />streets that are stop controlled. Traffic volumes are therefore expected to be _ <br />attracted to Glenwood Place from adjoining minor streets. An ICU analysis <br />was performed projecting anticipated peak hour turning movements for this <br />intersection. <br />In no situation will motorists wishing to cross Bristol Street be inconvenienced <br />more than two blocks (800 feet between Memory Lane and First Street and <br />1,500 feet between First Street and Warner Avenue). Counts indicated that <br />straight across moves were very light at most non - signalized intersections. <br />The additional left and U -turn movements at median breaks which result from <br />the altered circulation pattern were also taken into account in estimations for <br />left turn storage lengths and left turn phasing recommendations. These <br />recommendations are discussed in greater detail in following portions of the <br />text. <br />In conjunction with the raised median, the City of Santa Ana is considering the , <br />closure of 10 minor street closures at their intersection with Bristol Street <br />through the use of cul -de -sacs (see Figures 20A and 20B, following). The <br />impact which minor street cul -de -sacs would have on adjoining signalized <br />intersections was also evaluated. Traffic volumes entering or exiting minor <br />streets where redistributed and ICU calculations reevaluated. These results <br />are also shown in Table 5 in Section I (page I -18). <br />Minor street cul -de -sacs will impact traffic operating conditions at adjoining <br />signalized intersections. Traffic access to and from Bristol Street were <br />redistributed from cul -de -sac streets to adjacent intersections in a manner <br />similar to that which was used in the medians. This redistributed traffic <br />resulted in slightly higher V/C ratios at many intersections. In most cases _ <br />however, the levels of service associated with these higher V/C ratios remain <br />unchanged. <br />Minor street cul -de -sacs can aid traffic progression along Bristol Street by <br />concentrating cross street traffic movements at adjacent intersections that <br />RM <br />75C -199 <br />