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roadway width requires an additional 10 feet of right -of- way for a total <br />distance of 420 feet. <br />The standard lane widths provided on a 100 -foot wide roadway within a 120 - <br />foot right -of -way will more adequately accommodate traffic flow. Truck traffic <br />would be better accommodated on the wider traffic lanes. Traffic would flow <br />more freely due to the higher comfort level motorists experience on these <br />wider lanes. The wider roadway also allows for the opportunity of providing <br />two additional lanes of through traffic on each link by restriping the road, <br />should traffic growth exceed expectations. This width alternative also <br />accommodates dual left turn lanes at those major intersections where they are <br />required. <br />Proposed lane configuration at the intersection of Bristol Street at its <br />intersections with 17th Street and with First Street will still require additional <br />right -of -way even under this proposed width alternative. The proposed <br />exclusive right turn lanes will require an additional 9 feet of right -of -way for a <br />total distance of 640 feet and 620 feet respectively. <br />The additional lanes which the proposed widening project would provide <br />would greatly increase the road capacity. Projection of the anticipated future <br />traffic volumes onto the proposed six lane roadway results in favorable <br />operating conditions. As a result of the added capacity, Bristol Street will be <br />able to service the future traffic needs of the City of Santa Ana efficiently and <br />safely well into the year 2006. <br />w <br />It is extremely important to adhere to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways <br />(MPAH) as developed by the County of Orange. The MPAH serves to <br />encourage the development of a coordinated county wide arterial highway <br />system that provides safe, convenient, and efficient movement of people and ^" <br />goods. This highway network plays a major role in inter - and intra- regional _ <br />travel in Orange County by complementing both the freeway system and local <br />street network. - <br />The major arterial highway serves a large volume of intra - regional through <br />traffic not carried by the limited - access, high- volume freeway system. This <br />facility has geometric design and traffic control measures to expedite through <br />traffic with possible restriction of access to abutting property. <br />Traffic volumes have already reached capacity levels on most links of Bristol <br />Street. As a result, commuter traffic has been found to spill over onto the <br />adjoining local road system utilizing their capacity and adding to their <br />congestion. Efficiency, safety and convenience are compromised by this intYa- <br />regional traffic utilizing the lower classification local street system that is not <br />designed to accommodate the higher volume of traffic. Projection of the <br />IV -74 <br />75C -209 <br />