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Introduction <br />An interdisciplinary approach involving governmental agency coordination and public <br />participation in transportation planning is an important state and federal <br />requirement. Agency and public input has been solicited since the early stages of the <br />Bristol Street widening study. 'These efforts are described below. <br />I. EARLY CONSLT TAON <br />Sc in <br />During the initial scoping phase of the Bristol Street project, planning efforts <br />were undertaken to satisfy federal and state procedural guidelines regarding <br />public notification and consultation. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) pursuant <br />to CEQA was sent to the appropriate local, state and federal agencies in May <br />of 1987 and a Notice of Intent (NOI) was published in the Federal Register in <br />October of 1987. <br />Environmental scoping meetings were held on November 18, 1985 and Decem- <br />ber 18, 1986 for the purpose of insuring that all public agencies and interested <br />individuals had an opportunity to be involved early in the planning process. <br />These meetings allowed the consultant team to define the various project <br />alternatives, identify any significant environmental issues and allow the public <br />to voice their concerns and offer suggestions about the project. <br />Meeting notices were distributed to the concerned agencies, published in <br />regional and local newspapers, and [nailed to residents in the project area. A <br />copy of the minutes for each meeting as well as public distribution materials <br />are contained in Appendix B. <br />The minutes contained in Appendix B provide the reader with a summary of <br />the issues and concerns voiced by local residents and business owners and <br />operators. <br />Responses to the NOP and NO( by responsible agencies are contained in <br />Section X of this document. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONCERNING DRAFT EIS <br />Daring and following circulation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement <br />(DEIS), the City of Santa Ana held three public hearings concerning the <br />project and the adequacy of the DEIS, as follows. The Planning Commission <br />V -1 <br />75C -228 <br />