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Comments hy7 Deanna M, Wieman. Director. Office of External <br />Affairs, United States Environmental Protection Agengy. Region IX <br />San Francisco <br />1. 'The list of alternatives fails to consider options that do not <br />include widening the roadway, such as signal synchronization and <br />other transportation systems management techniques." <br />1.1 <br />Page 11 -14 of the DEIS discusses the Transportation System <br />Management (TSM) alternative, which would involve modifications to <br />the existing roadway that would increase its traffic carrying efficiency <br />without acquiring additional right -of -way. Examples of TSM measures <br />include traffic signal synchronization, provision of additional bus stops, <br />and restriping to add lanes. <br />Traffic signals throughout the subject segment of Bristol Street are <br />already synchronized. Insufficient roadway width exists to enable <br />restriping to add additional through lanes or additional turn lanes at the <br />intersections. The addition of bus stops was not suggested by the <br />Orange County Transit District, and without acquiring right -of -way to <br />establish a bus turnout, additional bus stops would only add to <br />congestion at the approaches to the bus stop. <br />TSM measures, alone, were deemed insufficient to achieve the City's <br />goals for upgrading Bristol Street to a six -lane, divided roadway, <br />consistent with the Orange County Master Plan of highways and the <br />City of Santa Ana Circulation Element. <br />Page H -15 of the DEIS also discusses the alternative of establishing a <br />one -way couplet with Flower Street, a parallel roadway located <br />approximately 1/2 mile east of Bristol Street. This alternative was <br />rejected because of several significant constraints related to right -of -way <br />impacts, redirection of travel patterns through residential <br />neighborhoods, and disruption to efficient northwest travel between <br />State Route 22 and the I -405 Freeway. <br />2. 'Tbe DEIS includes a discussion of the 1982 Air Quality <br />Management Plan (AQMP), but does not discuss the 1988 <br />AQMP. While the more recent plan has not been approved by <br />the EPA for inclusion in the State Implementation Plan, it has <br />been adopted by the Southern California Association of <br />Governments, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, <br />V -15 <br />75C -242 <br />