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overstates the projected air quality benefits. 'The FEIS should <br />discass the impact the improved flow of traffic might have on <br />encouraging traffic beyond that forecasted." <br />See previous response to EPA, Comment No. 3 <br />6. "All three alternatives involve widening the existing bridge over <br />Santiago Creek. The DEIS states that bridge reconstruction <br />would entail "encroaching into further portions of the Santiago <br />Creek streambed (IV -4);' The DEIS contains a characterization <br />of the biological resources in the streambed which concludes that <br />no wetlands resources are at risk. However, Section 404 of the <br />Clean Water Act (CWA) regulates all waters of the United <br />States and therefore EPA recommends that FHWA consult the <br />U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine whether a 404 <br />permit is required for the project. The FEIS should identify the - <br />dimensions of the fill required for each alternative and assess <br />potential impacts to water quality and beneficial uses." <br />Rest <br />See letter, dated October 3, 1989, to the United States Army Corps of <br />Engineers, Los Angles District, describing probable effects of bridge <br />construction, and letter from the Army Corps, dated October 4, 1989, <br />responding that this project is covered under the Nationwide Permit, Y- <br />pursuant to Section 330.5(a)(26)(i) of the Clean Water Act, in Section <br />X of the FEIS. R <br />Comments by- U.S. Department of Transportation. Memorandum <br />dated October 2. 1989. <br />1. "We have reviewed the Bristol Street Widening Environmental <br />Impact Statement, and we have the following comment regarding .� <br />Impacts on Community Facilities, Section Q, page IV-48. <br />The project's Centerline and East alternatives will require <br />additional right -of -way from the Mater Dei High School. The - <br />additional right -of- -way will reduce the school's football and <br />baseball fields and running track. The .taking of this land, if it is <br />used by the entire public, will require a Section 4(f) review. The <br />EIS document needs to clarify the status of the usage of these <br />R <br />recreational facilities and state whether Section 4(f) is <br />applicable. It would appear that the urban Bristol Street area <br />V -18 <br />75C -245 <br />