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July 191 1989 <br />CITY OF COSTA MESA <br />CALIFORNIA 125:61200 P O. 50K I ma <br />OEVELOPMER4 8EAVICES ^viF- RTtf4? <br />Joyce Amerson <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Public works Agency <br />101 West Fourth Street _ <br />P.O. Box 1988 M -21 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />suoji Ti ARIATOL ATREST glnElflNa•pR0TECT pagn EIR /EIS <br />Dear Ms. Amerson: <br />_ <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review <br />the Draft EIR /EIS on the <br />- <br />Bristol Street project. Specifically, I <br />sent the document to our <br />Transportation Services Department. The <br />City of costa Mena hae no <br />particular comments on the environmental <br />document but does support <br />this project as it will significantly <br />improve regional traffic <br />- <br />circulation. <br />If you need any information, please call <br />me at 754 -5136 or Dennis <br />— <br />Johnson in Transportation Services At 754 <br />-5334. <br />Sincerely, <br />f�iGQ.LP� CaQ�P -to <br />.. <br />KRISTEN A. CASPERS <br />— <br />Associate Planner <br />RAC:jl(AMRSN.KAC) <br />RESPONSE T <br />This letter contains no comments on the <br />➢EIS and no response, therefore, is required. •� <br />V -20 <br />77 PAR ORIYe <br />gAleryq nhWm (7141 ?$4-Ma • Cud, UftWIM 17111 MAW PlmnlnE Wlian (711) 754.UO _ <br />MX (771) E4-79M <br />