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TAM OF ULfflGAMA --0ftCE Of 711 t30` P*M QUAGR DMWJIA)W. Ge• <br />OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH <br />i.m Ti" MW <br />5ACMAgNT0, G "NIL � <br />Joyce Amerson <br />Ctiy of Santo Ana <br />101 W. 4th Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92101 <br />Subject: Bristol Street Widening - S( :H! 87071509 <br />Dear Ms. Anderson: <br />Sertember 1I, 19A9 <br />Tice State Cleoxingheuse submitted the &hove named environmental doenment to <br />selected state agencies for review. The review period is now closed and <br />now of the state agencies have ecameats. This letter arknrmledges that you <br />have complied with the State Clearinghouse review requirements for draft ., <br />environmental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Qaallty <br />Act . <br />Please call Garrett Ashley at '919/445-0613 if you have any questions <br />regarding the environmental review process. When contacting the <br />Clearinghouse in this Patter, please use the eight -digit State Clearinghouse <br />number so that we may respond promptly. r <br />Sincerely, <br />David C. NunCCenk&mp, <br />Chief <br />Office of Permit Asaistance <br />RESPONSS <br />This letter contains no comnents <br />on the DEIS. No response, therefore, <br />is required_ <br />Mr949 y <br />