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ntAYOR <br />Oan Young <br />MAYOR PRO TEM <br />John Acosta <br />COUNCtl-MEMBERS <br />Daniel E. Gnset <br />Ron May <br />Patricia A. MdtlWgan <br />Rick Norton <br />Miguel A. Pulltlo <br />June 7, 1989 <br />Mr. Gene Huey <br />Envircxvrental Branch <br />Caltrans, District 12 <br />2501 Pullman Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY <br />im W. Fourth 5treet. M21 <br />P,O. Boa 1998 <br />Santa Ana, [aliEarnia 92702 <br />ALL-AMERICA CITY 199, 87 <br />CITY MANAGER <br />E)aI N Ream <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />Edward J. Cooper <br />CLERK OF THE CDUNCIL <br />lames I: Guy <br />Ji li I U ) lu-n� <br />I'VILLitA ly FiSair. <br />SUESJ=: BRISTOL SCRk'ET WIDaTTNG ENVIRaZ=AL IMPACT SPATEvENT (PR0LT£C7 <br />1441) <br />near Mr. Huey: <br />Ehclesed for your infor ation and use is a copy of the Notice of Availability, <br />wh ch was printed to announce the 70 -clay public revie,v of the c'itvirontnental <br />Impart Statement (EIS) for the widening of Bristol Street, between Warner <br />Avenue and Al Lane. The Notice of Availability was run on Kay 21 and 22, <br />1989, in the Orange County Register newspaper. The public reviev period began <br />on May 22, 1989, 'and will end on July 31, 1989. <br />The public hearing for the project is tentatively scheduled for July 10, 1989. <br />A separate notice of public hearing wiLl be advertised once the location for <br />the hearing is determined, and as we get closer tri the hearing date. If ycu <br />have any questions, please contact Joyce Y. Amerson (714) 647 -5655. <br />Sincerely, <br />Michael C. Betts <br />Project Manager <br />Enclosure <br />cc: <br />een, ltrans <br />75C -260 <br />