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42250 Falmod RoOdar i Vol. 51. No 219 / Thtueday, November 13, iM ( Rules and Regulations <br />(141 Mme lead ana nag Sea lmdmd me <br />au 40WAS It tsisters both woman <br />and P+>MbmeeL that ace pats of a somple <br />and OMP&ft pro ieot for moaning of ■ <br />eon -tidal wahrhody. ptavmdsd that the <br />training is ttefvat mL bedptd or <br />Otherwise damped to Parent the <br />restriction d trod to witimdad. <br />stgaetd high flows and pro <br />huther that tie main any <br />watlmds idlaemt to the wasorbody do <br />not a cbmd bey ad 100 &a m sia6e <br />aide of the mdlnary ill* wear apt& of <br />that watmbody. A'=am road iaveoog <br />fill" o defined as a ate" mat <br />lovelies the di■cho rge Of lee than 200 <br />cubic yards of fill matinad below the <br />piano of ardiosry, high water. The <br />cm " require a permit hum ths <br />US Cast Guard if located in aavtgeble <br />waists of *a Uattad State Soma trod <br />nW may be "Owe for an exemption, <br />from the and for a Section 404 permit <br />altogether (m 33 CFR 323.4$. District <br />aagmems an m0kn m d, when local <br />Cucommum ee ind cm the need to <br />Jollies the tam -expected high flowm" <br />for the pnepaee of ntabia&ing <br />applicability of thb wboaMCis permit. <br />(Sectioen 10 and W41 <br />f151 Discharges of dredged or till <br />maoetal Incidental is the tawa4 me on of <br />bridg a across eatriphle waters of the <br />United Sass. including wmadmm& <br />abue n CL foundation ssels. pies. sod <br />trmperary omtrvmim and amen fills <br />provided soiW discharge hen Iona <br />motherland by the US Coast Guard as <br />pan of the bridge permit Causeways <br />end appromah filte am son Included In <br />this entimadds permit and will mean <br />m mAtVidoal er tegimnal .Section 401 <br />permit (Section 4041 <br />(101 Return n water from as upland. <br />contained dredged mmrial disposal <br />area (sae 33 Mt 773.24dil provided the <br />state has mow a into epaciflc er gseenc <br />certification node mown 401 at We <br />Clew Wale Act (en also 73 CFR <br />1252(6)(1)). The dredgaig itself regatta <br />a Section 10 ymrt if Ismaili m <br />saviaabfe wamram of the Uetad dfteasu <br />The mrom water or nmeE from a <br />omuubw aWpeel am As <br />ai*moim etivdy do& d as a dLrlomge <br />of dredged aaeadmi by ca CPR 33i7(d1 <br />eve though the disposal Radf wets an <br />the upiod and Mas don sat ammtre a <br />.action 404 permit Thin mdomeli <br />permit ennafise the mminied <br />nquumd fir a Oaefm 4M past for <br />be refuse mseler whin the 4eethlr of the <br />retore water is contmMed by stn min <br />tI i the mom em t wtomLa m <br />pracedaa (fiKOMSIK) <br />(17) PM eseode t ed with eo011 <br />hy*opm "Own d modeling <br />eseveim whom W4 pia(era W" <br />Includes this 59 is homeland by the <br />Federal Fast Regulatory Commtsaian <br />(FERq under the Fadatul Power Act of <br />lam, an amended; has a total 14neratng <br />o•perity of not mom then 1500 kw (2.000 <br />horsepowert qualifies for the short fame <br />iiceenu I Procedure of the FR C (an 1n. <br />CFR 4At): and the dt4nic1 or division <br />engineer mains a detergematlan that the <br />individual and cmdative edve e <br />effect on das *nvitonment an minimal <br />in a.. Once With 133111.7 (cl(21 add Id). <br />(Sore 404) <br />(29) Dleahurgsa of dredge} or RU <br />material Into all watom of the United <br />States other than wetlands that do not <br />exceed tan cubic yards M pan of a <br />■ogle and complete project provided the <br />material is not placed far the purpose of <br />arrest i ivanioa 15ections to and 4041 <br />(191 Dredging of no mom than Iron <br />cuhic yards from navigable watem of <br />the United States an pen of it single and <br />Complain project. This permit owe tot <br />authorise the cannation of canals or <br />other artificial waterways to navigable <br />waters of the Unied States (an Section <br />33 GFR ZZLIg1L (Sezuam 10) <br />(m) SOnatiums. work. std discharges <br />far the containment and cleanup of oil <br />and haaedoes substances which om <br />subject to the National Off and <br />Hazardous Substances Pollution <br />Contingency Plan. (40 CFR Pen 3001. <br />provided the Regional Reeparm a Team <br />which is madvated under the plan <br />coawa with the proposed attainment <br />and cleanup action. (Secdom 10 and <br />406) <br />1211 SMWRML work. dLcherge <br />asancsted with surface cod mining <br />activities mavided they were authorized <br />by the Department of the Interior. Office <br />of Surface Mmtn& or by states with <br />approved programs under Title V of the <br />Surf's Mining Central and Reclamation <br />Act of 1977: We appaopriate district <br />ettgltaa to given the oppommily to <br />review the Title V permit application <br />and aid relevant Mm of Surfaca <br />Muria' er sate (se the case may bei <br />daeamentanom prior to any dedaion an <br />Wet eppliwnom and the district or <br />division esg&ivar makes a detawipstim <br />that We mdfvidaat sod aimntlative <br />adverse 4ffede an the eavkum t flow <br />111911 SWAOMMA WML or 413cho rgr are <br />minimal to mcwfdatae with j! 530.7 (c) <br />(2) a" (A) and (dE Pectinate 1n. and 404) <br />1231 Miller temic, 4" W WAMM" <br />atructune required for W reignwmi of <br />wrec&od abmdmad ortlimMild <br />Weems. or** ramteed of mm-mwde <br />obetraetl0m in aaeystlm Thin poems' <br />mass not aeWown meutonea <br />dmdgmg, shenl removal, a sloe bank <br />snagging. (Sactiate f0 end 491) <br />75C „2AS 1 <br />(231 Activton. work mad discharges <br />mdateien. &eeuted. authorized. <br />regulated draded. Or lineman, to whale <br />or in pan, by another federal &pricy or <br />department where that agency or <br />department sam aaamined, pursuant to <br />We CEQ Regulation for Impieme tiring <br />the procedural provisions of the <br />National Environmental Polley Act (40 <br />CFR pen IBM at seq.), that 1(n linvity, <br />woi, or discharge is m leptricaily <br />uctded from etviroamental <br />dota ntrummea became it is included <br />within a ca'agory of actions which <br />neither indlvidvally nor tvmulativaly <br />have a significant edlect on the human <br />environment and the Office of the Chief <br />of Engineers (ATfN: VAIN -CWO-N) <br />has been furnished nonce of the <br />agency's or deparumeat's application for <br />the categorical exclusion and cancan <br />with that determination. Prior to <br />approval for purposes of this nationwide <br />permit of any agency's categorical <br />exlcusimu. the Chief of Engineers will <br />solicit comment through publication m <br />the Fadeat Register. (S4ccions 10 and <br />4041 <br />(24) My activity permitted by a state <br />adms4aaternig its ovum Section am permit <br />program for the dimakatge of dredged or <br />M nutaried ■uthoi nand at 33 U.S.C. <br />1344(gHil is permuted pursuant to <br />section 10 of the Riven and Harbors Act <br />Of 3090. Those activtthe wbiah do not <br />tavolve a mcdca 404 stale permit are <br />not included is thin nationwide pernut <br />but many will be exempted by mention <br />154 of hub. 4 96-W. (See 17 CFA <br />=310211, (Sochon wl <br />(251 Discharge of concrete into tightly <br />sealed forma or cells where the concrete <br />Is used as a structural member which <br />world not odmwin be mb(ect to Clean <br />Water Act jurisdiction ( Section 4041 <br />(201 Disdtatgere of dmdgrd w nit <br />material into the waters listed in <br />paragraphs fall2a) (1) and (ill of this <br />section except than which Cause ids <br />loss or substantial adverse modificatiou <br />of 10 acres or more of such war War of the <br />United Stave, including wetlands. For <br />discharges which muse the Ions or <br />substantial adverse modsfication of 1 to <br />20 acres of much minimum. including <br />wetlands. notification to the idlstni t <br />engineer is required to ■ccurd nom with <br />Motion 730.7 of thin section. (Section <br />404). <br />M Nan -tidal rivers. strmeme, and thou <br />lake and iwpoundmeats. including <br />adlasi ant wedisads, that are located <br />above the bmdwetara <br />(i) Other am-tidel Ovate m of the <br />United state& kKbd q adjacent <br />wetlands, that are not pan of a surface <br />tributary sy4lam to interstate watam at <br />w <br />M <br />rte <br />an <br />w <br />an <br />r <br />an <br />M <br />w <br />w <br />se <br />w <br />