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Table 7 <br />HEALTH EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUT N751 <br />1 Source: SCAQMD,'1983 Annual Summary' <br />2 Smoke is a British measure of particulate matter concentralion. <br />Urfa <br />75C -85 <br />r <br />Concentration! <br />Observed Health Effects <br />Po Sutant <br />Exposure Time <br />at Speel}Ied Concentrations <br />Ozone <br />0.25 pprrvl hour <br />Increased frequency of asthma attacks. <br />0.30 ppmll hour <br />Cough, chest discomfort and headache. <br />0.37 pprrV2 hour <br />Decline in pulmonary functon in healthy <br />individuals. <br />Carbon Monoxide <br />15 -18 pprrV8 hour <br />Can cause decreased exercise capacity <br />in patients with angina pectoris. <br />50 ppnV1 hour <br />Can cause impairment of time interval <br />estimation and visual function, <br />Nitrogen Dioxide <br />0.11 ppmlfew minutes <br />Sensory responses may be elicited <br />or altered. <br />Daily peak exceeds <br />May cause some impairment of pulmonary <br />0.45 ppm an 10% of <br />function and increased incidence of <br />days for 12 months <br />acute respiratory disease. <br />1.50 ppm/Short term <br />Can cause difficulty in breathing in <br />healthy as well as bronchitk: groups. <br />Lead <br />Increase in blood lead levels which <br />3.2 u91m317 weeks <br />may impair or decrease hemoglobin <br />synthesis. <br />Sulfur Dioxide/ <br />0.037 ppm SO <br />May cause higher frequencies of <br />Total Suspended <br />annual average <br />acute respiratory symptoms and <br />Particulate <br />association with <br />diminished vantilatory function' <br />(TSP) <br />100uglm3smoke 2 <br />in children. <br />1 Source: SCAQMD,'1983 Annual Summary' <br />2 Smoke is a British measure of particulate matter concentralion. <br />Urfa <br />75C -85 <br />r <br />