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Table 11 <br />Population Characteristics for 12 Census <br />Tracts Adjoining Bristol Street Corridor <br />z aracteristic <br />Total Population <br />Total Households <br />Average Household Size <br />Median Household Income <br />% large ( +5) Households <br />Total Families <br />Average Family Size <br />Median Family income <br />Spanish /Hispanic <br />Median Age <br />% Older (Age 55 +) <br />%a White Collar Occupation <br />% Blue Collar Occupation <br />Median School Years ' <br />% High School Only " <br />% Any College * <br />% 2+ Vehicles /Households <br />% Moved in between 1970 -1980 <br />* Of the population age 25 or older. <br />Source: Urban Decision Systems, Los Angeles, California <br />1. Ponulation <br />':1 <br />54,020 <br />15,279 <br />3.4 <br />519,785 <br />24.5 <br />12,054 <br />3.79 <br />$21,184 <br />46.4 <br />26.2 <br />14.8 <br />42.8 <br />57.2 <br />12.3 <br />28.1 <br />31.1 <br />59.4 <br />74.4 <br />Table 11, above, provides data from the 1980 Federal Census, the City <br />of Santa Ana Housing Element and otber state and regional planning <br />sources, which describe characteristics of the population residing in the <br />12 census tracts which encompass the Bristol Street Study Area The <br />immediate project area comprises less than 10 percent of the total area <br />covered by the 12 census tracts. <br />The City's 1984 Housing Element also indicates that, as of 1983, nearly <br />half of all households in the City had annual incomes of less than 80 <br />percent of the SMSA median, considered low and very low by both <br />federal and state standards. Field observation confirmed this <br />characteristic within the study area as well. <br />III -28 <br />75C -99 <br />