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75B - PH - CDBG FY 2015-2016
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
75B - PH - CDBG FY 2015-2016
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Last modified
4/16/2015 5:18:48 PM
Creation date
4/16/2015 5:08:48 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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4/2015 <br />hereunder, (ii) it has carefully considered how the services should be performed, and (iii) it fully <br />understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the services under this <br />Agreement. <br />(d) No Conflict. To the best of SUBRECIPIENT'S knowledge, SUBRECIPIENT'S execution, <br />delivery and performance of its obligations under this Agreement will not constitute a default or a breach <br />under any contract, agreement or order to which SUBRECIPIENT is a party or by which it is bound. <br />(e) No Bankruptcy. SUBRECIPIENT is not the subject of any current or threatened bankruptcy <br />proceeding. <br />(f) No Pending Legal Proceedings. SUBRECIPIENT is not the subject of a current or <br />threatened litigation that would or may materially affect SUBRECIPIENT'S performance under this <br />Agreement. <br />(g) Application Veracity. All provisions of and information provided in SUBRECIPIENT'S <br />application for funding submitted to CITY including any exhibits are true and correct in all material <br />respects. <br />(h) No Pending Investigation. SUBRECIPIENT is not aware that it is the <br />subject of any current or threatened criminal or civil action investigation by any public agency, including <br />without limitation a police agency or prosecuting authority, that would relate to affect performance of the <br />Agreement or provision of services hereunder. <br />B. Amount of Gant/Term and Quarterly Disbursement. The amount granted to <br />SUBRECIPIENT is $0ll,00d ( "CDBG FUNDS "), and such finds shall be expended by SUBRECIPIENT <br />on or before June 30, 2016, The Tenn of this Agreement may be extended by a writing executed by the <br />City Manager or his or her designee and the City Attorney. The CDBG FUNDS shall be disbursed by <br />CITY to SUBRECIPIENT on a quarterly basis subject to and upon receipt and approval of a complete <br />quarterly activity report from SUBRECIPIENT, with the final payment subject to the satisfaction of the <br />condition precedent of submittal of complete reporting information due on or before July 15 of the <br />applicable funding year, as hereinafter more frilly set forth. SUBRECIPIENT shall be obligated to <br />perform such duties as would normally extend beyond the term, including but not limited to obligations <br />with respect to indemnification, audits, reporting, data retention/reporting, and accounting. Failure to <br />provide any of the required documentation and reporting will cause CITY to withhold all or a portion of a <br />request for reimbursement, or return the entire reimbursement package to SUBRECIPIENT, until such <br />documentation and reporting has been received and approved by CITY. <br />The CITY reserves the right to reduce the grant application if the CTTY's fiscal monitoring indicates <br />that SUBRECIPIENT's rate of expenditure will result in unspent funds at the end of the program year. <br />Amendments in the grant allocation will be made after consultation with SUBRECIPIENT. <br />C. Use of Funds. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to use all federal funds provided by CITY to <br />SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement to operate said program, as set forth in "Exhibit A," attached <br />hereto mid by this reference incorporated. herein. SUBRECIPIENT'S failure to perform as required pray, in <br />addition to other remedies set forth in this Agreement, result in readjustment of the amount of funds CITY is <br />otherwise obligated to pay to SUBRECIPIENT herermder. <br />D. Allowable Costs. SUBRECIP.IENI' agrees to complete said program on or before June 30, <br />2016 and to use said Funds to pay for necessary and reasonable costs allowable under the federal law and <br />regulations to operate said program. Said amounts shall include, but not be Bruited to, wages, administrative <br />75B -14 <br />
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