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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Project Warner Ave to Saint Andrew Place (Phase IV) <br />The Phase IV Project is also included in the 2013 TIP adopted by SCAG on September 6, 2012 and <br />approved by FHWA on December 14, 2012. <br />1.4 Project Description <br />1.4.1 Bristol Street Widening Phase IV Project Area <br />Phase IV of the Bristol Street Widening Project involves the widening of Bristol Street (between Warner <br />Avenue to Saint Andrew Place) from 4 lanes to 6 lanes with a 150- foot -wide right -of -way cross section <br />including a 14 -foot wide raised landscaped median; three 12- foot -wide through travel lanes in each <br />direction; a 7 -foot wide Class 1I bike lane on each side of the roadway; a 15 -foot wide parkway, and 10 -foot <br />sidewalk with curb ramps for wheelchair access pursuant to American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) <br />requirements on both sides of the roadway. <br />As Bristol Street approaches the intersections between Warner Avenue and Saint Andrew Place, and <br />between Warner Avenue and Glenwood Place, the landscaped center median would taper to accommodate <br />right -tarn pockets and left -turn lanes in each direction. The landscaped center median would then continue <br />north of the Glenwood Place intersection to match the existing raised center median approximately 380 feet <br />south of Edinger Avenue. The addition of the landscaped center median would improve safety by preventing <br />left -tum access to /from Saint Gertrude Place, Saint Anne Place, Camden Place, and Carlton Place to the <br />newly widened Bristol Street. (Note: the intersection of Bristol Street and Saint Andrew Place would be <br />converted to a right -turn only intersection in both directions.) Additionally, cul -de -sacs would be included <br />on the west side of Bristol Street at Saint Anne Place, Camden Place, and Carlton Place to improve safety by <br />preventing access to /from these streets to the newly widened Bristol Street. The location of the Phase IV <br />Project is shown in Figure 1 and in Figure 2. <br />Street signs and utilities including electric power lines, telephone poles, and street lighting would be <br />relocated to new locations within the project area along Bristol Street. Street furniture, including the benches <br />and bus shelters, will be provided at bus stop locations. <br />During the one -year construction (approximately mid -2016 to mid- 2017), one lane in each direction would <br />remain open and existing driveway accesses along Bristol Street would be retained at all rimes. Maximum <br />excavation depth would be three feet for roadway excavation and 10 feet for utility /drainage excavation. <br />Construction equipment would be those consistent with other similar roadway widening projects and likely <br />would include excavators, loaders, backhoes, dump trucks, graders, pavers and rollers, and other <br />construction trucks. <br />1.4.2 Property Acquisition <br />To accommodate the street widening proposed by the Bristol Street Widening project, a combination of full <br />and partial acquisition of right of way is required from a total of 43 residential and commercial parcels <br />fronting Bristol Street from Warner Avenue to Saint Andrew Place (refer to Figure 4 [Property Acquisitions] <br />for the locations of affected properties). Table 2 includes a listing of properties affected and the disposition <br />of acquisition requirements. <br />ANA 305 -194 (PER 02) CSA (AUGUST 2014) 133867 YU <br />