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Modified Initial Study Checklist <br />The following Modified Initial Study (MIS) Checklist is based on the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />Initial Study Checklist. It is modified to evaluate the proposed project changes for which environmental impact <br />reports /statements have previously been completed to assist in the determination of the need for supplemental <br />environmental documents, in this case, a Supplemental EIS/EIR or an Addendum under Public Resources Code <br />21166 and Guideline Sections 15162, 15163, and 15164. For purposes of this study, references to "the proposal' in <br />the left hand column questions refer to the proposed project changes. <br />The first four columns to the right of the MIS questions identify whether the proposed project changes would result <br />in new impacts and if so whether these impacts would be less than significant, less than significant after mitigation, <br />or significant. <br />The fifth column asks whether or not the impacts associated with project changes, if any, were sufficiently disclosed <br />in the previous environmental documents (Not Addressed). <br />Finally, the last column indicates whether or not a Supplemental EIS /EIR is needed. A Supplemental EIS /EIR would <br />be needed if there were new significant unmitigated or substantially more severe impacts which would result from <br />the project changes and which were not sufficiently disclosed in the previous environmental documents. <br />Discussion in support of the conclusions indicated on the checklist is provided in Chapter 3 <br />ANA 305 -194 (PER 02) CSA (AUGUST 2014) 133967 YU <br />