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5. That the proposed use will adversely affect the General Plan or any <br />specific plan of the City. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan. <br />Land Use Element Policy 2.2 supports commercial land uses <br />in adequate amounts to accommodate the City's needs for <br />goods and services. Land Use Element Policy 2.8 promotes <br />rehabilitation of commercial properties, and encourages <br />increased levels of capital investment. Urban Design <br />Element Policy 1.5 encourages enhanced architectural <br />forms, textures, colors and materials are expected in the <br />design of all projects. The proposed mixed -use car wash <br />and commercial building will be consistent with each of these <br />General Plan policies. <br />E. Variance No. 2015 -01 has been filed with the City of Santa Ana seeking to <br />allow a reduced front yard setback. Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41- <br />368 requires a fifteen (15) foot front yard setback in a commercial district. <br />Although the project proposes a 22 -foot front -yard setback between the <br />current public right -of -way and the edge of the first drive aisle, the front -yard <br />setback will be reduced to 12 feet after the anticipated widening of Bristol <br />Street, which is less than the 15 feet required. <br />F. Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41- 638(a)(2) authorizes the Planning <br />Commission to grant a variance upon making certain findings. <br />1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject <br />property, including size, shape, topography, location or <br />surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found <br />to deprive the subject property of privileges not otherwise at <br />variance with the intent and purpose of the provisions of this <br />chapter. <br />The project site has a special circumstance related to its <br />location on a major arterial that is planned for future <br />widening. The widening of Bristol Street in the area creates <br />a special circumstance applicable to the property, as the <br />applicant will be unable to maintain the required front -yard <br />setback once the widening is complete. The project is being <br />designed to provide a generous front -yard setback before <br />the widening, and will enhance front -yard landscaping to <br />assist with screening of the building and drive aisles once <br />the street widening is complete. <br />2. That the granting of a variance is necessary for the preservation <br />and enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights. <br />The granting of the variance is necessary for the <br />preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights. <br />The granting of the variance will preserve the property <br />Resolution No. 2015 -13 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />