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EXHIBIT F <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR LED POST TOP RETROFIT STREETLIGHTS <br />RESPONSIBLE PROPOSER — SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE <br />ma nvfin- orkmLt <br />t. How many years has your organization been in business in California as a sokilraetor under your present, <br />business name and license number? \os!�N `A, — <br />If you performed same business under a different business name with same ownership and operation <br />management and changed name due to, but not limited to, bankruptcy, loss, or license, please complete <br />an additional and separate questionnaire. <br />2. What is ycurfirm's average gross revenue for the last three years? <br />3. Is your firm currently the debtor in a bankruptcy case? [ ] Yes No <br />If "yes," indicate the case number, bankruptcy court, and the date on which the petition was Bled, <br />tie i � <br />Case Number Bankruptcy Court Date Filed <br />4, Woe your firm in bankruptcy any time during the last five years? (rhis question refers only to a <br />bankruptcy action that was not described in answer to Question 2, above,) ❑ Yes No <br />If "yes," Indicate the case number, bankruptcy court, and the data on which the petition was filed. <br />1�:AI A �A>� <br />Case Bankruptcy Court Date Filed <br />5. Has any California State License Board license held by your firm or its responsible managing em loves <br />or responsible managing officer been suspended wlthin the last five years? ❑Yes No <br />S. At any time in the last five years, has your firm been assessed and paid liquidated damages after <br />completion of a project, under a services contract with either a public or private owner? ❑ Yes 19 No <br />7. Has your firm ever defaulted on a contract? ❑ Yes X No <br />If "yes," explain on a separate page. <br />8. In the last five years has your firm, or any firm with which any of your company's owners, officers or <br />partners was associated, been debarred, disqualified, removed, or otherwise prevented from bicldin on, <br />or cemplefing, any government agency project for any reason? E] Yes No <br />If "yes," explain on a separate page. State the name of the organization debarred, the year of the event, <br />the owner of the project, and the basis for the action. <br />9. In the past five years, has any claim against your firm concerning your firm's work on a project, been _filed <br />in court or arbitration? El Yes X No <br />If "yes," on a separate page identify the clalm(s) by providing the project name, date of the claim, name of <br />the claimant, the name of the entity the claim was filed against, a brief description of the nature of the <br />claim, the court and case number, and a brief description of the status of the claim (pending or, If <br />resolved, a brief description of the resolution.) <br />RFP FOR LED POST TOP RETROFIT STREETLIGHTS Page 22 <br />20B -18 <br />25D -36 <br />