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CITY OF SARTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPWALS FOR LED POST TOP RETRDFIT STRE157LIGHTS <br />AODITI,ONAL <br />Ineu ranrtH Curnraany _____._.= „�L°i...� ✓J' ✓�V F' C��! �” �. �...._..._.._,..._. � ..��- ,��..j.— .,- :..m.- �.` -.�... <br />This ondaraement madlfle , such Insurance as Is afforded by the provisions of Ptllloy ## rSc 41A <br />ralatPnq to thetollowlno <br />t. G, v tl pt Flrd( lUlIdf <br />ayerr od ttOM and r01)1`0 n aifvs are ridrn"d88 addcno Ine rs "addionslIwPura. wllh <br />regard to liability and dottinso of suits arieing from the operatlontr and usaa performed by or on behalf of <br />the rimmed innured. <br />2, with respect to claims arcs ln2 out Of the operatlrho and uses perfarmod by or on behaEi of the nAmed <br />Insured, such insurance as is afforded by this police/ is pi9.rnaiyr and is not additlonal to or arnttrlbutlog with <br />any other Insurance carried by or for the borlonll Of the xadditlOnel htnurgds. <br />3. This Insurance apptles separately to each Insured against whom cluirn is made or suit is brought a %dept <br />vjIll not aaffooi arry fightwhiichtsruch pelrsonlor organzation would have as a Or f ti at so included, d <br />d. cpv1arrags, ac rtlimitis o�cept after thirty thit n noticenhas been olvmil,to the nCity of Santa fins, <br />26 Civic Coniar Plaits, Sonia Ana, 00forhia 92701 . <br />poregletlon of the following, inrl ding countersignature, is reeulrod to make this endorwrilent effaotive,) <br />Cffootiva, . r "�� �y- '� - -•.� . -_ this oncirarar7mcnttarm as s part of <br />r ollo #1 _µry <br />tesued to__ <br />Coumersignod lay <br />pm,�,,,5:�xarirmram �'a,9e 2G <br />R1' ^PFOa LEt7PCaSTTOPRK;;I "Rt's•IT Ti�3wGTLI�hPT�i+s <br />25D -40 <br />