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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT <br />PROJECT NO. 15.6836: RESIDENTIAL STREET REPAIR FY 14/15 <br />PROJECT 15-6452: WILSHIRE AVE, AND 8ORCHARD AVE. WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS <br />expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, <br />but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work <br />or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or advisable. <br />4. CON"TRAC'l'OR agrees to complete the Project No. 15-6536: Residential Street Repair FY <br />14/15 and Project 15-6452: Wilshire Ave. and Borchard Ave. Water Main Improvements <br />within the time specified in the Time for Completion of Improvements section of the BID <br />PROPOSAL (Exhibit "A") including commencing construction within the timeframe: therein <br />specified after issuance of a Notice to Proceed. <br />5. The CONTRACTOR will pay, and will require all subcontractors to pay, all employees on <br />the Project No. 15-6836: Residential Street Repair FY 14/15 and Project 15-6452: Wilshire <br />Ave, and Borchard Ave. Water Main improvements a salary or wage at least equal to the <br />prevailing salary or wage established for such work as set forth in the wage determinations <br />for this work in accordance with applicable State and Federal law. <br />6. CONTRACTOR shall, after award of this Contract, furnish two bonds to be approved by the <br />Cfl'Y, one in the amount of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the Contract price, to guarantee <br />the faithful performance of the work (Performance Bond), and one in the amount of One <br />Hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price to guarantee payment of all claims for labor <br />and materials furnished (Payment Bond). This Contract shall not become effective until such <br />bonds are supplied to and approved by the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall, prior to the release <br />of the performance and payment bonds or the retention payment, Furnish a warranty <br />performance and payment bond equal to at least ten (101/6) percent of the final Contract price <br />or $ 1,000, whichever is greater (Warranty Bond). <br />7. CONTRACTOR shall, upon project completion as a oenditinn of project acceptance, Ru7tish <br />a Warranty Payinent and Performance bond to be approved by the CITY, in the amount of <br />Twenty -Five Percent (25%) of the Contract price, to warrant the work done under said <br />Contract Agreement against material or quality defects for a period of one year after <br />acceptance by the AGENCY. <br />s. CONTRACTOR shall, after award of this Contract, furnish Certificates of Liability <br />insurance and Worker's Compensation Insurance as outlined in the General Provisions, to be <br />approved by the CITY. it <br />// <br />Page 2 of <br />23A-10 <br />