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______________________________________________________________________________________ <br />Project-based Voucher Program <br />HAP Contract for New Construction or Rehabilitation <br /> HUD 52530A Page - 3 - <br /> of Part 1 <br /> (04/2015) <br />e.Term of the HAP contract <br />1. Beginning of Term <br />. The PHA may not enter into a HAP contract for any contract unit until the PHA has <br />determined that the unit complies with the housing quality standards. The term of the <br />HAP contract for any unit begins on the effective date of the HAP contract. <br />2. Length of initial term <br />a.Subject to paragraph 2.b, the initial term of the HAP contract for any contract units is: <br />____________________________. <br />b.The initial term of the HAP contract for any unit may not be less than one year, nor more <br />than fifteen years. <br />3.Extension of term <br />The PHA and owner may agree to enter into an extension of the HAP contract at the time <br />of initial HAP contract execution or any time prior to expiration of the contract. Any <br />extension, including the term of such extension, must be in accordance with HUD <br />requirements. <br />A PHA must determine that any extension is appropriate to achieve long-term <br />affordability of the housing or expand housing opportunities. <br />4. Requirement for sufficient appropriated funding <br />a.The length of the initial term and any extension term shall be subject to availability, as <br />determined by HUD, or by the PHA in accordance with HUD requirements, of sufficient <br />appropriated funding (budget authority), as provided in appropriations acts and in the <br />PHA's annual contributions contract (ACC) with HUD, to make full payment of housing <br />assistance payments due to the owner for any contract year in accordance with the HAP <br />contract. <br />b.The availability of sufficient funding must be determined by HUD or by the PHA in <br />accordance with HUD requirements. If it is determined that there may not be sufficient <br />funding to continue housing assistance payments for all contract units and for the full <br />term of the HAP contract, the PHA has the right to terminate the HAP contract by notice <br />to the owner for all or any of the contract units. Such action by the PHA shall be <br />implemented in accordance with HUD requirements. <br />Previous editions are obsolete <br />4-38