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i. National Volunteer Antipoverty Programs which include <br />VISTA, Service Learning Programs and Special Volunteer <br />Programs. <br />ii. National Older American Volunteer Programs for persons <br />aged 60 and over which include Retired Senior Volunteer <br />Programs, Foster Grandparent Program, Older American <br />Community Services Program, and National Volunteer <br />Program to Assist Small Business Experience, Service <br />Corps of Retired Executive (SCORE) and Active Corps of <br />Executives (ACE). <br />Homebuyer means an Eligible Purchaser that has executed an agreement to <br />purchase an Inclusionary Unit. <br />Homebuyer Purchase Price means the means the original price paid by the <br />Homebuyer to purchase the Inclusionary Unit, exclusive of any closing or <br />transaction costs. The Homebuyer Purchase Price shall not exceed the <br />Affordable Sales Price. <br />HCD means the California Housing and Community Development Department. <br />H &SC shall mean the California Health and Safety Code. <br />Household means all the persons who will occupy the Inclusionary Unit as their <br />Primary Residence. A child who is subject to a legally- binding shared - custody <br />agreement, in which the child resides with the Household at least 50% of the <br />time, is counted as a member of the Household. Excluded from the definition of <br />Household are live -in caregivers /caretakers, foster children, unborn children and <br />children being pursued for legal custody or adoption that are not currently living <br />with the Household. <br />Inclusionary Housing Covenants Declaration means this Declaration of <br />Inclusionary Housing Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. <br />Inclusionary Housing Fund means a separate fund of the City which is codified <br />in Article XVIII.1 Section 41 -1909 of the City's Municipal Code. The fund was <br />established for the specific purpose of providing the City with funds to assist in <br />the development of housing that is affordable to low and moderate income <br />households. The allowable uses of Inclusionary Housing Funds, and the related <br />reporting are described in Attachment I of the Administrative Procedures Manual, <br />Inclusionary Housing Covenants Declaration Page 9 <br />City of Santa Ana January 2015 <br />