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Name of Applicant: Amount Requested <br />Nancy Alcala $5,000 <br />Brief Description of Project: <br />Category: Score: <br />Artist 70.7 <br />Over the past year, what began as a "side job" developed into an a project that I would like to expand <br />into a home and mobile studio that offers free once a month workshops to underprivileged <br />communities as a way to enrich Santa Ana's art and culture. This grant offers the opportunity to <br />expand my project into a sustainable business where I can provide studio services at the <br />convenience of the customer while using a portion to give back to the community. <br />Community Benefit: <br />I would like to focus on disadvantaged neighborhoods because exposure to the arts enriches the <br />quality of life for people across socio- economic levels. Research shows that children from low- income <br />families are less likely to be steadily involved in arts activities or education than children from high - <br />income families. Santa Ana has a large distribution of low- income families represented by a poverty <br />rate of 21.5 %. There is a correlation between low- income and lack of arts education in Santa Ana's <br />neighborhoods. As I've taught the last year I see children and adults, specifically in low- income <br />communities, having their first artistic experience. A large body of research has strongly identified arts <br />education to contribute to academic, basic, and comprehensive learning. There are various existing <br />art schools in Santa Ana that provide arts education; however, they are not accessible to low- income <br />families. Investment in art education provides sources for expression as well as academic, basic, and <br />comprehensive learning. Including underprivileged communities in Santa Ana's arts and culture is a <br />way to enhance and invest in the lives of all members of society. <br />1'•i .to <br />See pages 3 -7 <br />25A -8 <br />