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Name of Applicant: Amount Requested: Category: Score: <br />Carlos Kalim $10,000 Artist 61.7 <br />Quevedo- Prastein <br />Brief Description of Project: <br />The project is to conduct a series of workshops in the arts, including drawing, sculpting, painting, and <br />sewing. Media used will include pencil, oil, acrylic, paper mache, ceramic, wood, textiles, and <br />recycled materials such as newspaper and cardboard. The object will be to train people in specific <br />skills in art, to get them involved in creating art and expressing their creativity. The target age range is <br />from 8 years old up to adults. <br />Community Benefit: <br />This project will benefit the Santa Ana arts and culture community by providing members of the <br />public -la gente- the opportunity to gain skills to develop a better life, to enrich their lives and to <br />preserve their culture through artistic expression. The City of Santa Ana benefits in having a populace <br />that is trained and can participate directly in art, rather than only as spectators and admirers. By <br />spreading these concrete art and craft skills in a fun environment, we encourage the development of <br />new artists who will further contribute to the social and economic development of Santa Ana's art <br />community. <br />Portfolio: <br />See pages 40 -41 <br />25A -45 <br />