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Note: Same agreement will <br />be used for art organizations <br />and /or artists approved for <br />the ACC grant. <br />ARTS AND CULTURE ARTIST GRANT PROGRAM AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AND <br />This Artist Grant Agreement ( "Agreement ") made and entered this __ day of <br />2015, by and between the City of Santa Ana, a charter City and municipal corporation organized <br />and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ( "City"), and Individual <br />Artist/Oraanization Name ( "Grantee ") and, collectively with City, the "Parties ", is for the purpose <br />of providing grant funding pursuant to the Arts and Culture Artist Grant Program. <br />RECITALS: <br />A. On March 17, 2015, the City Council authorized the release of the "Investing in the Artist <br />Grant Opportunity Application," finding that it serves a legitimate public purpose to enrich and <br />invigorate the Santa Ana arts and culture landscape. <br />B. On July 16, 2015, the Arts and Culture Commission reviewed all applicants and determined <br />that Grantee is hereby awarded an artist grant based on its Application for its artwork ( "Project ") <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. <br />C. On August 4, 2015, the City Council approved the grant funding for Grantee and authorized the <br />execution of this Agreement. <br />D. In undertaking the performance pursuant to this Agreement, Grantee represents that it is skilled <br />and knowledgeable in the arts and culture arena and that any Project created or performed <br />hereunder will be created or performed in compliance with such standards as may reasonably be <br />expected from an artist. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the <br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. Term. This Agreement shall be effective upon signature by both Parties and shall expire one <br />year from the date first written above, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this <br />Agreement. <br />2. Funding. <br />2.1. Subject to <br />provide funding, <br />not to exceed <br />"Grant"). <br />Grantee's performance of all required actions under this <br />in one or more disbursements, as reasonably determined <br />Thousand Dollars ($ <br />Agreement, City shall <br />by City, of an amount <br />.) ( "Grant Amount" or <br />2.2. Appropriate performance of the Grantee will be determined by City in its sole discretion. <br />City reserves the right to cease funding after each disbursement. <br />2.3. City represents that there is no correlation or connection between its selection of institutions <br />for grant awards and an institution's business relationship or potential business relationship with <br />City. <br />a. Grant Activities. Grantee agrees: <br />BIT- <br />