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6.8 Career Development Incentives. Employees hired in a classification which <br />requires a specialized certificate as a prerequisite to hiring, either upon <br />appointment or by the time of the employee's passage of probation <br />( "regular appointment "), shall not be eligible for career incentive pay forthat <br />prerequisite certificate. However, they shall be eligible for career incentive <br />pay for any other certificates approved for their classification. In no event <br />shall the application of this Career Development Incentive provision result in <br />an individual being eligible to earn more than 12.5% above his or her current <br />monthly base salary step. <br />6.9 Joint Labor Management Team /Additional Responsibilities Pay. <br />The Parties hereto agree that upon request made after October 1, 2015 by <br />CASA to the Executive Director of Personnel Services that the Parties shall <br />meet and form a Joint Labor Management Team (JLM) for the purpose of <br />exploring the feasibility, specifics and administration of an "additional <br />responsibilities pay" additive as outlined by CASA during the negotiations of <br />this MOU. The parties agree that the final decision on the recommendation <br />of the adoption of this additive shall be made by the Executive Director of <br />Personnel Services, and that there is no guarantee that the efforts of the JLM <br />will result in a recommendation for adoption. The JLM shall cease to exist as <br />of June 30, 2017, and this section 6.9 shall be deemed to be removed from <br />this MOU as of that date. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 - 2017 <br />25G -27 <br />Page 25 <br />