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ARTICLE XVI <br />16,0 ASSOCIATION RIGHTS <br />16.1 Release Time for Association Representatives, CASA shall have the right to <br />appoint /elect a reasonable number of representatives who are recognized <br />by the City as officers or work site leaders /stewards. <br />A. Such reasonable number of work site leaders /stewards recognized by <br />the City shall be limited to six (6). <br />The City's Executive Director of Personnel Services shall be provided <br />with a list of names and classification titles of CASA's officers as set <br />forth in Exhibit B of the Confidential Association of Santa Ana City MOU, <br />as well as the names and classification titles of all work site <br />leaders /stewards and other Association representatives. The <br />Association agrees to inform the City in writing of any changes in this <br />list within ten (10) calendar days. <br />C. During fhe term of this MOU, the City agrees to allow reasonable time <br />off without loss of compensation to enable the officers and worksite <br />leaders /stewards to assist other CASA unit employees in processing <br />grievances under the Grievance Review Procedure and other CASA <br />business activities; provided, however, that such officers and worksite <br />leaders /stewards shall make advance arrangement with their <br />supervisors prior fo absenting themselves for such purpose. The officers <br />and worksite leaders /stewards shall be required by the City to record <br />and report to their supervisors the work time spent in assisting other <br />bargaining unit employees pursuant to this provision of the MOU. <br />Time spent by the Association President, officers or worksite <br />leaders /stewards on Association Release time, under this MOU, shall <br />not be considered time worked for computation of overtime <br />according to the Fair Labor Standards Act, <br />16.2 Worksite Access. <br />A. Officers, worksite leaders /stewards and /or Association representatives <br />shall be permitted to visit break and lunch areas designated by the <br />City, before or after work or during designated lunch periods, for the <br />purpose of discussing Association business, provided that <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 -2017 Page 69 <br />25G -65 <br />