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Any authorization of donations not made in accordance with <br />the procedures outlined in Section C, Subparagraph 2 below, <br />will not be processed. <br />All donations shall be irrevocable. <br />In the event the recipient returns to work before leave donations <br />have been exhausted, any balance on the books shall be <br />accrued by the recipient and designated as sick leave and <br />may be used pursuant to Article XI, Section 11.1. <br />B. Eli ibilit . Regular, full -time employees shall be eligible for <br />Catastrophic Leave Donations if the following criteria are met: <br />When it is reasonably foreseeable that all accrued time on the <br />books, such as sick leave, compensatory time and vacation, will <br />be exhausted and the employee's illness will continue past the <br />time when the employee will be on paid status. <br />2. The employee's Department Head, or his or her designee, has <br />approved a written request for donations accompanied by a <br />medical statement from the employee's attending physician, <br />The attending physician's statement must verifythe employee's <br />need for an extended medical leave and an estimate of the <br />time the employee will be unable to work, <br />C. Procedure. <br />Upon receipt of a valid request for donations from an eligible <br />employee, the Department Head or his or her designee shall <br />post a notice of the eligible employee's need for donations on <br />bulletin boards accessible to employees. No confidential <br />medical information shall be included in the posted notice, <br />2. Employees wishing to donate time to an eligible employee must <br />sign his or her authorization of the transfer of such donated time <br />and provide: <br />a. His or her name, department name, and employee <br />number; <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 -2017 <br />25G -75 <br />Page 73 <br />