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YOUTH PROTECTION GUIDELINES <br />LIBRARY DEPARTMENT <br />June 2013 <br />Staff will appear and behave in a manner consistent with the mission and values of the City <br />of Santa Ana Library at all times while on or off duty; including electronic, written and <br />verbal communications. <br />CHILDREN'S INTERNET PROTECTION ACT (CIPA) <br />In accordance with CIPA, all Library Department public computers shall contain Internet <br />filters to protect children from harmful online content. <br />REPORTING REQUIREMENTS <br />Any allegation of abuse or neglect must be reported immediately or as soon as practically <br />possible. City of Santa Ana Library staff is recognized as mandated reporters and will follow <br />current regulations and guidelines for the reporting of abuse. <br />Staff will follow the internal chain of command for the report of abuse and may report directly <br />to local authorities. If an incident of abuse or neglect is alleged to have occurred at or during <br />a City of Santa Ana program or activity, the following procedure shall be followed: <br />1. The parent or guardian of the child will be notified. <br />2. The appropriate authorities will be notified; consistent with local, state and /or federal <br />regulations. <br />3. The alleged perpetrator of the abuse or misconduct will immediately be placed on <br />leave pending an investigation. <br />4. An incident report will be completed. <br />S. The City of Santa Ana Library will cooperate with any City internal investigation or <br />outside investigation of the incident by state or local authorities. <br />6. Any person who is found not innocent of the alleged abuse or misconduct will be <br />removed from their position with the City of Santa Ana Library. <br />MONITORING <br />These guidelines will be reviewed and updated as needed or on an annual basis. <br />I hereby acknowledge receipt of these guidelines and understand that any violation of these <br />guidelines will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. <br />Print Name <br />Signature <br />Date <br />Lib racy /Youtli P ro tectio n G uidel inesj u net 013 <br />