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Exhibit A - Request for Proposals <br />I. GENERAL <br />Nature of Work: <br />The City of Santa Ana is seeking a consultant to analyze the cost impacts and revenue requirements <br />of current and proposed NPDES programs which would fully comply with the new permit issued by <br />the State Regional Board. A requested Scope of Work is included in the Appendix of this RFP as <br />Attachment 1. <br />Number of Proposals and Signature: <br />Four (4) hard copies and one (1) digital file on USB Flash Drive (or equivalent) of your proposal <br />shall be signed by a company official with the power to bind the company and submitted to the City <br />of Santa Ana. One (1) copy of your Fee Proposal shall be submitted. <br />Proposal Evaluation and Rating: <br />The criteria for evaluating the proposals submitted will take the following items into consideration: <br />• Firm Qualifications and Financial Responsibility 15% <br />• Staff and sub - Consultant Qualifications 15% <br />• Understanding Scope of Work 25% <br />• Work Plan Logic, Clarity, and Specificity 25% <br />• Value of the Study Analysis and Fee 10% <br />• Schedule <br />10% <br />The City has established a proposal review committee to evaluate proposers based on the response to <br />the RFP, which includes adherence to outlined directions and format, and the City evaluation criteria <br />set forth above. A final score will be calculated for each submitted proposal and used to rank the <br />proposers. <br />Project Funding: <br />This study will be funded using environmental fees generated from the current environmental <br />services program, and funds are considered city local funds. <br />There may be more information regarding funding in the Attachment 1, Scope of Work, in the <br />Appendix of this RFP. <br />Term of Contract Agreement: <br />The City desires to enter into a contract with the selected firm for a time period sufficient to <br />complete the study. Staff anticipate the terns not to exceed one year. The term and time schedule for <br />the agreement will be outlined in the Standard Consultant Agreement, as contained in the Appendix <br />of this RFP as Attachment 2. <br />25M -16 <br />