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then hauling shall be restricted to no more than 684 miles per day. The demolition <br />debris hauling phase shall not overlap with any other construction phases, including <br />grading. These requirements shall be noted on all construction management plans and <br />verified by the City of Santa Ana during demolition and grading activities. <br />Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the project that avoid <br />or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the Final EIR. These <br />changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure, presented above. Impact 5.1 -4 would <br />be less than significant with mitigation. The City of Santa Ana hereby finds that implementation <br />of the mitigation measure is feasible, and it is therefore adopted. <br />Cultural Resources <br />Impact 5.2 -2 Project - related earthwork may result in a substantial adverse change in the <br />significance of an archaeological resource. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: Support for this environmental impact conclusion is fully <br />discussed starting on page 5.2 -10 of Section 5.2, Cultural Resources, of the Draft EIR. <br />The project would involve ground disturbance up to a depth of about 30 inches. The total area of <br />disturbance for the road widening is estimated as 24.7 acres. Although, the project site is already <br />disturbed and developed, because of the early development in this area, previously undiscovered <br />archaeological resources could be damaged during construction. The possible destruction of <br />archaeological resources is considered a significant impact. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />CUL -1 Prior to the initiation of project - related earthmoving activities, the City of Santa Ana <br />project manager or their designee shall retain a county- certified qualified <br />archaeologist. The archaeologist must have knowledge of both prehistoric and <br />historical archaeology, and shall remain on call in the event of a discovery. <br />CUL -2 Prior to the start of ground- disturbing activities on the project site, the City of Santa <br />Ana project manager or their designee shall ensure that a qualified archaeologist or <br />another mitigation program staff member has conducted cultural resources sensitivity <br />training for all construction workers involved in moving soil or working near soil <br />disturbance. <br />Construction personnel, including heavy - equipment operators, shall be <br />briefed on procedures to be followed in the event that cultural remains are <br />encountered by earthmoving activities. <br />• Preconstruction training shall include: <br />o Review the types of archaeological resources that might be found <br />Review of laws and applicable requirements concerning the <br />protection of cultural resources <br />o Prehistoric or historic cultural resource discovery procedures <br />CEQA Findings of Fact -7- <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -19 <br />