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provisions of the Code is not intended, nor shall it be Interpreted, as <br />constituting a new action or decision of the City Council, but rather cod <br />such provisions are repeated for tracking purposes only in <br />conformance with the Charter, <br />5Splign 2. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, <br />the proposed project is exempt from further review, Categorical Exemption ER <br />2009-107 will be filed for the project. <br />Pursuant to Title XIV, California Code of Regulations ("CCR") § 735.5(c)(1), <br />the City Council has determined that, after considering the record as a whole, there <br />is no evidence that the proposed project will have the potential for any adverse <br />effect on wildlife resources or the ecological habitat upon which wildlife resources <br />depend. Therefore, pursuant to Fish and Game Code § 711.2 and Title XIV, CCR <br />§ 735.5(a)(3), the payment of Fish and Game Department filing fees is not required <br />in conjunction with this project. <br />Sections 10-177 and 10-178 of Article 11 of Chapter 10 of the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code relate to controlling sale and access by minor to <br />pressurized paint cons and other graffiti implements. Article V of Chapter 17 of the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code relates to abatement of graffiti in the City of Santa Ana. <br />In the interest of comprehensive regulation, the aforementioned sections of the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code should be consolidated in one Articte of the Code <br />Therefore, Article IV of Chapter 10 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code shall hereafter <br />be designated as "Graffiti Regulations". <br />§gqqj_4 . Section 17-70 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby re- <br />designated as Section 10-221 and amended such that it reads as follows <br />Sec. 10-221. Definitions, <br />For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the <br />meaning ascribed thereto: <br />(a) Graffiti means any unauthorized inscription, word, figure, mark, <br />adhesive sticker or design that is written, marked, etched, scratched, <br />drawn, painted, labeled, pasted, applied or affixed, on any surface of <br />public of private real or personal property, including, but not limited to, <br />buildings, walls, windows, signs, structures, places or other surfaces <br />regardless of the nature of the material of which the surface is <br />composed. <br />(b) Grafflti implement means any implement capable of marking, scarring, <br />damaging, or defacing any surface to create graffiti, including, but not <br />limited to, aerosol paint containers, felt tip markers, paint sticks or <br />graffiti sticks, etching tools, adhesive stickers, spray actuators, marking <br />pens, drill bits, grinding stones or any other similar implement. � <br />Ordirvance No. NS-2791 <br />Pogo 2 of 13 <br />"E4* <br />City of Santa Ana GRSC Services RFP 1 *7 L- —m?m? Page 41 <br />