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Section � Ga"Uons10'177.1O'170 and 1o'17x.1uf the $oNmAna <br />mxni�d pCud* hereby redesignated mm Sections 1n^222,1O-22J and 10^223.1. <br />respectively, and amended such that they reads anfollows: <br />Sec. 10-222. Salo and Possession <br />(u) Salo ofGn*ffiD implements m Minors. |t shall b* unlawful for any <br />person, other than m parent n'le / ,*im".Wsel|a,xhanRo,Q|vo.| <br />n/hemviyafuminho, cause ovpennbtvbeeh d | | 4 ollnerwise <br />furnished, any aerosol paint container, broad-tipped marker, gum/paste/self- <br />adhesive label or sticker, etching cream, spray actuator, or paint stick to anyone <br />under the age of eighteen (18) years without the written consent of the parents of, <br />guardian of the minor, and no person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall <br />purchase any pressurized can containing paint or dye. <br />(b) Possession In Designated Public Places. It shall be unlawful for any <br />person to possess any graffiti implement, with the intent to use or apply graffiti, <br />while in or upon any public facility, park, playground, swimming pool, recreational <br />facility or zoo or other public building or structure owned or operated by the City of <br />Santa Ana, or while in or within fifty (50) feet of an underpass, bridge abutment, <br />storm channel, or similar types of infrastructure unless otherwise authorized by the <br />City, This section shall not apply to authorized employees of the City of Santa Ana <br />or an individual or authorized employee of an individual, agency or company under <br />contract with the City of Santa Ana. <br />(c) Possession byMinors ato,Near School Facilities, It shall be <br />unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to possess any graffiti <br />implement while vn school property, grounds, fmd|iUm,, buildings, structures, ori" <br />areas immediately adjacent t* those specific locations upon public property, o, <br />upon private property Without written consent of the owner o' occupant ofsuch <br />private property. The provisions of this Sectien shall not apply to the possession of <br />broad- tipped markers bym minor attending ur traveling \uu, from a school u|which <br />the minor iaeni|f the minor i*participating is# class mt the school that <br />formally requires the possession of broad-tipped markers. The burden of proof in <br />any prosecution for violation of the Section shall he upon the minor student k» <br />aotaWiuh the need to possess m broad-tipped marker. <br />S**. 10-223. Public access; $ignmoe. <br />(a) Pam*mnd Markers. Every person who owns, conducts, operates n, <br />manages a retail commercial establishment selling aerosol containers, paint sticks, <br />glass etching solution, *, broad-tipped markers shall store these items inanarea <br />continuously ohsnmmWo. through direct visual observation o,surveillance �01111` <br />Ordinance muws�2,y, <br />Page 4o/m <br />City of Santa Ana GRSC Services RFP 1 *7 L- _"?'1J Page 43 <br />