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ABSENT: Pulido(1) <br />75B. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 2015 -03 TO UPDATE THE <br />HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ORDINANCE AND ADAPTIVE REUSE <br />ORDINANCE (STRATEGIC PLAN NO. 5, 3) — Planning & Building Agency <br />Planning Commission approved recommended action at the July 20, 2015 <br />special meeting by a vote of 3 -2 (Mill & Verino opposed; Alderete & <br />Gartner absent). <br />Legal notice published in The Notice (LASOC) on July 24, 2015, and <br />notices mailed. <br />Staff report presented by Hassan Haghani, Executive Director of Planning <br />and Building Agency <br />Underlying Purpose of housing opportunities ordinance <br />Ensure creation of high quality affordable housing along with market <br />rate housing with minimum or no public subsidy. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Current Housing Opportunity Ordinance <br />• Adopted November 2011, referenced in 2014 Housing Element <br />• Requires 15 percent of new housing to be affordable <br />ORDINANCE APPLICABILITY <br />When does Ordinance apply? <br />• Zone change that results in residential density increase <br />• Approved applications proposing to increase residential component <br />exceeding original mixed use development approval <br />• Conversion of commercial or industrial land to residential uses <br />• Conversion of rental units to condominium ownership of 5 units or <br />more <br />• Construction of New "residential projects" of 5 or more units <br />IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES <br />• Unpredictable <br />• Inconsistent <br />• Too many unknown steps in process <br />• Makes adaptive reuse too costly <br />• Does not allow for reliable financial planning of projects <br />• Makes Santa Ana less competitive in attracting new market rate <br />housing investment <br />GOALS OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12 AUGUST 4, 2015 <br />1 OA -14 <br />