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ARTICLE VI <br />6.0 ASSIGNMENT & OTHER SPECIAL PAY ADDITIVES <br />6.1 Assignment Pay Differential. <br />Assignment pay differentials, as listed herein and throughout the MOU, shall, <br />in each case, be added individually and separately to the employee's base <br />salary. In no event shall one assignment pay differential be added to the <br />employee's base salary as a basis for the calculation of an additional pay <br />differential. <br />A. Employees who are assigned by a Department Head, with the prior <br />approval of the City Manager, to a position requiring the ability to take <br />dictation at a rate of 70 words per minute or better on a regular basis <br />or as an essential or integral element of the work of the position, shall <br />be paid a monthly differential of sixty dollars ($60) above his or her <br />then current base monthly salary step for each full month of such <br />assignment. <br />B. Full -time incumbents in any classification listed in this MOU who are <br />required by a Department Head or their designee to perform the <br />duties of a Notary Public for the City, in addition to regular duties, shall <br />be paid a monthly pay premium of forty dollars ($40) above his or her <br />then current base monthly salary step. <br />6.2 Lead Pa v. Incumbents in any classification listed in this MOU who are <br />regularly and continuously assigned to lead a functional unit which includes <br />two (2) or more positions in the same or lower classifications as the <br />incumbent may be compensated for such duties upon mutual agreement of <br />the City and CASA and approval of the Department Head and the Executive <br />Director of Personnel Services. This compensation shall be referred to as <br />"lead pay" and shall be calculated at a rate 5% above the employee's then <br />current base salary step. <br />In addition, incumbents in any classification listed in this MOU who are <br />regularly and continuously assigned to perform lead supervisory <br />responsibilities shall receive lead pay compensation at a rate 5% above his or <br />her then current base monthly salary step. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 -2017 Page 19 <br />