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NS-2886 - Adopting a 45-Day Temporary Moratorium on Short-Term Residential Rental Uses
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NS-2886 - Adopting a 45-Day Temporary Moratorium on Short-Term Residential Rental Uses
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9/17/2015 5:26:35 PM
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9/17/2015 5:25:32 PM
City Clerk
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LS 9.8.15 <br />ORDINANCE NO. NS -2886 <br />AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA <br />ANA ADOPTING A 45 -DAY TEMPORARY MORATORIUM <br />ON SHORT -TERM RESIDENTIAL RENTAL USES <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES ORDAIN AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines and <br />declares as follows: <br />A. The growing popularity of "home- sharing" and other short -term vacation rentals, <br />through the use of internet -based companies such as Airbnb, Vacation Rentals by <br />Owner ( "VRBO ") and Homeaway, allow individual homeowners, landlords, and <br />tenants to list homes, apartments, and rooms for rent. <br />B. The current provisions of the Santa Ana Municipal Code ( "SAMC ") do not clearly <br />identify short -term residential rental uses or take into account the potential impacts <br />associated with the establishment of short -term rentals within existing residential <br />zones, As such, provisions of the Santa Ana Municipal Code ( "the Code ") require <br />review, study, and possible revision in order to respond to recent concerns relating <br />to the impacts of these short -term rental uses in the City. <br />C. Given these concerns, the City Council hereby requests that a study be undertaken <br />of the current provisions of Chapter 41 of the Municipal Code to address short -term <br />residential rentals and determine whether such uses should be permitted in the City, <br />and if so, where such uses should be permitted and under what conditions. <br />D. Based on the foregoing, the City Council finds that issuing permits, business <br />licenses, or other applicable entitlements to individuals wishing to use their property <br />for the purposes of a short-term residential rental, prior to the City's completion of its <br />study of the potential impact of such short-term residential rentals, would pose a <br />current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, and that a <br />temporary moratorium on the issuance of such permits, licenses, and entitlements is <br />thus necessary. <br />E. If a short -term residential rental use is permitted in the City without further review <br />and potential regulation, it will pose a serious threat to the public interest, health, <br />safety and welfare for the following reasons: <br />1. Residents living near unregulated short-term residential rentals are impacted <br />by such uses' excessive noise, which affects the quality of life for surrounding <br />residents, on- street parking impacts, nuisance conditions and traffic in and <br />around these uses. <br />Ordinance No. NS -2886 <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />
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