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Orange CF Co'. <br />The Mercy House Living Centers agency agrees to share client data among participating <br />agencies via the LA/OC HMIS (Homeless Management Information System) for the purposes outlined below. Each <br />participating agency must complete and comply with the Agency Agreement. Each individual HMIS user must complete <br />and comply with the HMIS User Agreement. This document is available on the OCHMIS website <br />htti):// <br />Uses of HMIS Data: <br />• Coordinate housing services for families and individuals experiencing homelessness or facing a housing crisis in <br />Orange County <br />• Understand the extent and the nature of homelessness in Orange County <br />• Evaluate performance and progress toward community benchmarks <br />• Improve the programs and services available to Orange County residents experiencing homelessness or a <br />housing crisis <br />• Improve access to services for all Orange County homeless and at -risk populations <br />• Reduce inefficiencies and duplication of services within our community <br />• Ensure that services are targeted to those most in need, including "hard to serve" populations <br />• Ensure that clients receive the amount and type of services that "best fits" their needs and preferences <br />• Pursue additional resources for ending homelessness <br />• Advocate for policies and legislation that will support efforts to end homelessness in Orange County <br />Client Protection: <br />• Informed consent must be given by clients in order for their identifying information to be entered into HMIS and <br />shared among agencies in the LA /OC HMIS (see Orange County HMIS participating agencies on <br />Non - identifying client information may be entered in the system for all clients regardless of whether they give <br />their informed consent and regardless of their domestic violence status. <br />• Only non - identifying information will be entered for clients currently fleeing or in danger from a domestic <br />violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking situation. <br />• Identifying client information will only be shared among agencies that have signed this agreement. At the time of <br />informed consent, and at any point after, the client has the right to see a current list of the OC HMIS <br />participating agencies. <br />• Additional agencies may join the LA /OC HMIS and will be added to the list of HMIS participating agencies. As <br />part of the informed consent process, clients must be informed that additional agencies may join the <br />collaborative at any time and will have access to their information. <br />• HMIS Users will maintain HMIS data in such a way as to protect against revealing the identity of clients to <br />unauthorized agencies, individuals, or entities (see the "OC HMIS Client Consent Form," and the "Client Rights <br />Brochure OC" available on the website). <br />• Clients may not be denied services based on their choice to withhold their consent. <br />Each party to this memorandum of agreement shall defend, indemnify, and hold all other parties harmless from any and <br />all claims arising out of that party's negligent performance of this agreement. Any loss or liability to third parties resulting <br />from negligent acts, errors, or omissions of a LA /OC HMIS user while acting within the scope of their authority under this <br />Agreement shall be borne by that user exclusively. <br />Agreed to and signed by the following agency representative: <br />Larry Haynes Mercy House Living Centers <br />Printed N me Agency Name <br />6/30/2015 <br />Signature/ Date <br />Orarg= County Col- ht:: r -Ag: ncy Data ., :� ing Pale- ,.�ranclum or 4,g �,.mon[ jpCi,:�d 9 : 1 '2012 <br />