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• Slnintain an updated database of all financial points of contact and conduct periodic on- <br />site financial monitoring of Homeland Security Grant sub - recipients. <br />• Conduct financial and budgetary analysis of General Ledger, Project and Activity <br />Report, Labor Distribution Report, and Revenue Ledger report. <br />• Prepares and submits bi- annual progress reports (BSIR) into the Federal Grant <br />Repportir g Tool <br />UASI Grant Office Prc�ceclteres <br />• Attend Urban Area Security Initiative Working Group and Steering Committee <br />meetings as programmatic and financial point of contact. <br />• Update and revise Urban Areas Security Initiative Sub - Recipient Guidelines and <br />Policies, to include new laws, rules, and requirements from DHS and Cal -OFS, as well <br />as updated Grant Office procedures for project managers and sub- recipients. <br />• Update any Anaheim / Santa Ana UASI forms with each new grant year, including <br />reimbursement forms, project applications, project modifications, monitoring farms,' <br />training forms, reporting forms, and others, <br />• Keep in constant communication with grant project managers to ensure appropriate <br />federal, state, and local requirements are being met and they meet grant deadlines. <br />• Send out reminders when the Quarterly Project Status Reports are due, review for <br />completeness, and forward to the appropriate office staff for review. <br />• Provides programmatic and fiscal status reports (bi- weeldy, monthly, and quarterly) to <br />the UASI Grant Coordinator, <br />Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities <br />Full understanding of Federal and CaIOFS Homeland Security Grant Guidance and full <br />understanding of the Anaheim/Santa Ana UASI Sub - recipient Grant Guidance. Gencral <br />knowledge of government contracting/procurcment processes. Ability to manage project <br />budgets. Ability to facilitate group meetings. Ability to research topics unfamiliar to their <br />normal areas of expertise and experience (within Homeland Security Grant relevancy) and <br />develop program /project plans. Ability to maintain good working relationships with all <br />stakeholders within the UASI, state or outside agencies, other team members, staff and the <br />community based stakeholders. Advanced verbal and written communication skills. Ability to <br />solve problems. Above average political acumen. <br />Knowledge of grant financial management requirements, and ability to read through the <br />