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I COUNTY and CONTRACTOR by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active <br />2 negligence of CONTRACTOR, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR agree that liability wilt be apportioned <br />3 as determined by the court. Neither party shall request ajruy apportionment. <br />4 C. Each party agrees to provide the indemnifying party with written notification of any claim <br />5 related to services provided by either party pursuant to this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days <br />6 of notice thereof, and in the event the indemnifying party is subsequently named party to the litigation, <br />7 each party shall cooperate with the indemnifying party in its defense. <br />g D. Prior to the provision of services under this contract, CONTRACTOR agrees to purchase all <br />9 required insurance at CONTRACTOR's expense, including all endorsements required herein, necessary <br />l0 to satisfy the County that the insurance provisions of this contract have been complied with. <br />I1 CONTRACTOR agrees to keep such insurance coverage, Certificates of Insurance, and endorsements <br />12 on deposit with the COUNTY during the entire term of this contract. In addition, all subcontractors <br />13 performing work on behalf of CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract shall obtain insurance subject to <br />14 the same terms and conditions as set forth herein for CONTRACTOR. <br />15 E. Contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors performing work on behalf of CONTRACTOR <br />16 pursuant to this agreement shall be covered under Contractor's insurance as an Additional Insured or <br />17 maintain insurance subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth herein for CONTRACTOR. <br />IS CONTRACTOR shall not allow subcontractors to work if subcontractors have less than the levet of <br />19 coverage required by COUNTY from CONTRACTOR under this agreement. It is the obligation of <br />20 CONTRACTOR to provide notice of the insurance requirements to every subcontractor and to receive <br />21 proof of insurance prior to allowing any subcontractor to begin work. Such proof of insurance must be <br />22 maintained by Contractor through the entirety of this agreement for inspection by COUNTY <br />23 representative(s) at any reasonable time, <br />24 F. All self-insured retentions (SIRs) and deductibles shall be clearly stated on the Certificate of <br />25 Insurance. If no SIRs or deductibles apply, indicate this on the Certificate of Insurance with a zero (0) <br />26 by the appropriate line of coverage. <br />27 G. If the Contractor fails to maintain insurance acceptable to COUNTY for the full term of this <br />28 contract, COUNTY may terminate this contract. <br />29 H. QUALIFIED INSURER <br />30 1. The policy or policies of insurance must be issued by an insurer with a minimum rating of <br />31 A- (Secure A.M. Best's Rating) and VIII (Financial Size Category as determined by the most current <br />32 edition of the Best's Key Rating Guide/Property-Casuatty/United States or It is preferred, <br />33 but not mandatory, that the insurer be licensed to do business in the state of California (California <br />34 Admitted Carrier). <br />35 2. If the insurance carrier does not have an A.M. Best Rating of A -/VIII, the CEO/Office of <br />36 Risk Management retains the right to approve or reject a carrier after a review of the company's <br />37 performance and financial ratings. <br />11 of25 <br />X:�CON'rRAC IS -2015 X1015-20201NI$'POp-Hp01rbIF.NT MASTER I5-2013lRoex SAN 14M APOn03NIIKK20 <br />CRF 01' SAMA MA <br />