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I a. ADMINISTRATOR may withhold or delay any or all payments due CONTRACTOR <br />2 pursuant to any and all Agreements between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR until such time that the <br />3 required COI and endorsements that meet the insurance provisions stipulated in this Agreement are <br />4 submitted to ADMINISTRATOR. <br />5 b. CONTRACTOR maybe assessed a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) for each late <br />6 COI or endorsement for each business day, pursuant to any and all Agreements between COUNTY and <br />7 CONTRACTOR, until such time that the required COI and endorsements that meet the insurance <br />g provisions stipulated in this Agreement are submitted to ADMINISTRATOR. <br />9 c. If CONTRACTOR is assessed a late penalty, the amount shall be deducted from <br />10 CONTRACTOR's monthly invoice. <br />11 4. In no cases shall assurances by CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents, including any <br />12 insurance agent, be construed as adequate evidence of insurance. COUNTY will only accept valid <br />13 COI's and endorsements, or in the interim, an insurance binder as adequate evidence of insurance. <br />14 <br />15 IX. INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS <br />16 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative <br />17 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, <br />18 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall have <br />19 access to any books, documents, and records, including but not limited to, financial statements, general <br />20 ledgers, relevant accounting systems, medical and client records, of CONTRACTOR that are directly <br />21 pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding to a beneficiary complaint or conducting an <br />22 audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making transcripts during the periods of retention set forth <br />23 in the Records Management and Maintenance Paragraph of this Agreement. Such persons may at all <br />24 reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate the services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the <br />25 premises in which they are provided. <br />26 S. CONTRACTOR shall actively participate and cooperate with any person specified in <br />27 Subparagraph A. above in any evaluation or monitoring of the services provided pursuant to this <br />28 Agreement, and shall provide the above—mentioned persons adequate office space to conduct such <br />29 evaluation or monitoring <br />30 C. CONTRACTOR shall not be subject to disallowances as the result of audits of the cost of <br />31 services. <br />32 D. AUDIT RESPONSE <br />33 1. Following an audit report, in the event of non—compliance with applicable laws and <br />34 regulations governing funds provided through this Agreement, COUNTY may terminate this Agreement <br />35 as provided for in the Termination Paragraph or direct CONTRACTOR to immediately implement <br />36 appropriate corrective action. A plan of corrective action shall be submitted to ADMINISTRATOR in <br />37 writing within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notice from ADMINISTRATOR. <br />14 of 25 <br />X:'CON MAC IS -2015 -X2015-20201NIS�POD-EQbn'h15NT N[AsrER 15-20 B QDOCR SAN 14iMAPOD03MIKK20 <br />011 OF SAN M ANA <br />