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I and failure to cure Such breach within sixty (60) calendar days of notice from COUNTY shall constitute <br />2 grounds for termination of this Agreement. <br />3 3. It is expressly understood that this data will be transmitted to governmental agencies <br />4 charged with the establishment and enforcement of child support orders, or as permitted by federal <br />5 and/or state statute. <br />6 <br />7 XI. LITERATURE ADVERTISEMENTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA <br />8 A. Any written information or literature, including educational or promotional materials, <br />9 distributed by CONTRACTOR to any person or organization for purposes directly or indirectly related <br />t0 to this Agreement must be approved at least thirty (30) days in advance and in writing by <br />1 l ADMINISTRATOR before distribution. For the purposes of this Agreement, distribution of written <br />12 materials shall include, but not be limited to, pamphlets, brochures, flyers, newspaper or magazine ads, <br />13 and electronic media such as the Internet, <br />14 B. Any advertisement through radio, television broadcast, or the Internet, for educational or <br />15 promotional purposes, made by CONTRACTOR for purposes directly or indirectly related to this <br />16 Agreement must be approved in advance at least thirty (30) days and in writing by ADMINISTRATOR. <br />17 C. If CONTRACTOR uses social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or other publicly <br />18 available social media sites) in support of the services described within this Agreement, <br />19 CONTRACTOR shall develop social media policies and procedures and have them available to <br />20 ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. CONTRACTOR shall inform ADMINISTRATOR of all <br />21 forms of social media used to either directly or indirectly support the services described within this <br />22 Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall comply with COUNTY Social Media Use Policy and Procedures as <br />23 they pertain to any social media developed in support of the services described within this Agreement. <br />24 CONTRACTOR shall also include any required funding statement information on social media when <br />25 required by ADMINISTRATOR. <br />26 D. Any information as described in Subparagraphs A. and B. above shall not imply endorsement <br />27 by COUNTY, unless ADMINISTRATOR consents thereto in writing. <br />28 <br />29 XII. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION <br />30 The Aggregate Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with all <br />31 agreements for Point of Dispensing Site Services is as specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions <br />32 of this Agreement. This specific Agreement with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to <br />33 which this Aggregate Maximum Obligation applies. It therefore is understood by the parties that <br />34 reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will be only a fraction of this Aggregate Maximum Obligation. <br />35 <br />36 !/ <br />37 <br />16 of 25 <br />XSCON I RACTS -2015 -,2015-2020�,MS�POD-EpmPNiE*\7 kM.kSrER 15-20 BG.00cs SAN 14MAPOW&HKK20 <br />C0* OF S/wi'A ANA <br />