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I E. In the event this Agreement is suspended or terminated prior to the completion of the term as <br />2 specified in the Referenced Contract Provisions of this Agreement, ADMINISTRATOR may, at its sole <br />3 discretion, reduce the Maximum Obligation of this Agreement in an amount consistent with the reduced <br />4 term of the Agreement. <br />5 F. In the event this Agreement is terminated by either party pursuant to Subparagraphs B., C. or D. <br />6 above, CONTRACTOR shall do the following: <br />7 1. Comply with termination instructions provided by ADMINISTRATOR in a manner which <br />8 is consistent with recognized standards of quality care and prudent business practice. <br />9 2. Obtain immediate clarification from ADMINISTRATOR of any unsettled issues of contract <br />10 performance during the remaining contract term. <br />11 3, Until the date of termination, continue to provide the same level of service required by this <br />12 Agreement. <br />13 4. If clients are to be transferred to another facility for services, furnish ADMINISTRATOR, <br />14 upon request, all client information and records deemed necessary by ADMINISTRATOR to effect an <br />15 orderly transfer. <br />16 5, Assist ADMINISTRATOR in effecting the transfer of clients in a manner consistent with <br />17 client's best interests. <br />18 6. If records are to be transferred to COUNTY, pack and label such records in accordance <br />19 with directions provided by ADMINISTRATOR. <br />20 7. Return to COUNTY, in the manner indicated by ADMINISTRATOR, any equipment and <br />21 supplies purchased with funds provided by COUNTY. <br />22 S. To the extent services are terminated, cancel outstanding commitments covering the <br />23 procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, and miscellaneous items, as well as outstanding <br />24 commitments which relate to personal services. With respect to these canceled commitments, <br />25 CONTRACTOR shall submit a written plan for settlement of all outstanding liabilities and all claims <br />26 arising out of such cancellation of commitment which shall be subject to written approval of <br />27 ADMINISTRATOR. <br />28 G. The rights and remedies of COUNTY provided in this Termination Paragraph shall not be <br />29 exclusive, and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by taw or under this Agreement. <br />30 <br />31 %XIII. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY <br />32 Neither party hereto intends that this Agreement shall create rights hereunder in third parties <br />33 including, but not limited to, any subcontractors or any clients provided services pursuant to this <br />34 Agreement. <br />35 1 <br />36 <br />37 <br />23 of 25 <br />X:\CONTRACTS-2015',2015-2020\MS',POn-Epmraieur NIA M0.15-20aG.DOCX SAN 14MAPOD03MIKK20 <br />Cffy0r SAMAAWA <br />