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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />1. WHO |8ANINSURED — (Section U)imamended <br />to include any person or organization that you <br />mgnao in o"written contract requiring insurance" <br />to include memnadditional insured on this Cover- <br />age Part, but: <br />ovepmgePo¢but: <br />a) Only with respect toliability for "bodily in]ur/'. <br />"property damage" or "personal injury"; and <br />b) If, and only tothe extent that, the injury or <br />damage is caused by acts or omissions of <br />you oryour subcontractor inthe performance <br />of "your work" to which the "written contract <br />requiring insurance" applies. The person or <br />organization does not qualify ononadditional <br />insured with respect to the independent acts <br />oromissions ofsuch person ororganization. <br />2. The insurance provided tothe additional insured <br />bythis endorsement ia|imitedeofollows: <br />m> In the event that the Limits of Insurance of <br />this Coverage Part shown inthe Declarations <br />exceed the limits of liability required by the <br />"written contract requiring inaunanua'', the in- <br />surance provided to the additional insured <br />ohoU be limited to the limits of liability re- <br />quired by that "written contract requiring in- <br />eunanoe"This endorsement shall not in- <br />crease the limits of insurance described in <br />Section III — Limits OfInsurance. <br />b) The insurance provided to the additional in- <br />sured does not apply to "bodily injury", "pnop- <br />ertydamage" or"personal injury" arising out <br />of the rendering of, or failure to render, any <br />professional mrohituutuna|, engineering orsur- <br />veying oen/icoo. including: <br />1. The prepahng, opprovnO, or failing to <br />prepare or appnovo, mmpe, shop draw- <br />ings, opinions, naporta, surveys, field or- <br />ders <br />pdena or change ordera, or the preporing, <br />appnov|ng, or failing to prepare or op- <br />prova`drawings and specifications; and <br />||. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or <br />engineering activities, <br />c) The insurance provided k/the additional in- <br />sured does not apply to "bodily injury" or <br />"property damage" caused by "your work" <br />and included in the "prod u/tn'nnmp|etedop- <br />erations hmzord" <br />3. The insurance provided 1othe additional insured <br />bythis endorsement iaexcess over any valid and <br />collectible "other insuronce", whether primmry, <br />excess` contingent or on any other basis, that is <br />available to the additional insured for a loss we <br />cover under this endonmmmenk. However, if the <br />"written contract requiring insurance" specifically <br />naquinaa that this insurance apply on a primary <br />basis or o primary and non-contributory basis, <br />this insurance is primary to "other insurance" <br />available to the additional insured which covers <br />that person or organization as a named insured <br />for such |oou, and we will not share with that <br />"other insurance". But the insurance provided to <br />the additional insured bythis endorsement still is <br />excess over any valid and om||ed|b|e "other in- <br />munonca", whether primary, excema, contingent or <br />on any other baaio, that is available to the addi- <br />tional insured when that person ororganization is <br />an additional insured under such "other insur- <br />ance". <br />4. As a condition of coverage provided to the <br />additional insured bythis endorsement: <br />m) The additional insured must give us written <br />notice as moon as practicable of an "occur- <br />rence" or on offense which may neau|1 in o <br />claim. To the extent possible, such no{|ma <br />should include: <br />|. How, when and where the "Vonunanoa" <br />oroffense took place; <br />11. The names and addresses of any injured <br />persons and witnesses; and <br />|U. The nature and location of any injury or <br />damage arising out ofthe "ocournenoa''or <br />offense. <br />CG D2 48 08 05 0 2005 The St. Paul Travelers Companies/' <br />