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Policy Number: BA -8470L003 -TIL -16 <br />4. Lmoo Pmymend—Phya|ca| Damage Cover- <br />ages <br />avepages <br />Atour option, wemay: <br />a. Pay for, repair orreplace damaged orsto- <br />len property; <br />b. Return the stolen property, at our ex- <br />pense. We <br />+penam.VVe will pay for any damage that <br />results tothe "auto"from the theft; or <br />c. Take all or any part ofthe damaged or <br />stolen property mtan agreed or appraised <br />value. <br />If we pay for the "|oms", our payment will in- <br />clude the applicable se|om tax for the dam- <br />aged orstolen property. <br />5. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against <br />Others TmUa <br />If any person or organization tomfor whom <br />we make payment under this Coverage Form <br />has rights to recover damages from another, <br />those rights are transferred tous. That person <br />or organization must do everything necessary <br />tosecure our rights and must donothing after <br />"ecoident"ur^|oom^toimpair them. <br />B. General Conditions <br />1. Bankruptcy <br />Bankruptcy minsolvency ofthe 1nsured or <br />the "inourudb" estate will not relieve ueofany <br />obligations under this Coverage Form. <br />2. Cuncme|ment, Misrepresentation (]rFraud <br />This Coverage Form is void in any case of <br />fraud by you at any time as it relates to this <br />Coverage Form. It is also void if you or any <br />other "inaured", at anytime. intentionally con- <br />ceals ormisrepresents amaterial fact oon' <br />coming: <br />m. This Coverage Form; <br />b. The covered "auto"; <br />c. Your interest in the covered "auto"; or <br />d. Aclaim under this Coverage Form. <br />3. Liberalization <br />If we revise this Coverage Form to provide <br />more coverage without additional premium <br />cherge, your policy will automatically provide <br />the additional coverage as of the day the re- <br />vision is effective inyour state. <br />4. No Benefit To 8ml|mw— Physical Damage <br />Coverages <br />We will not recognize any assignment or <br />grant any coverage for the benefit ofany per- <br />COMMERCIAL AUTO <br />son murganizationholdin0.atoringmtran <br />porting property for a fee regardless of any <br />other provision of this Coverage Form. <br />5. Other Insurance <br />m. For any covered "auto" you own, this <br />Coverage Funn provides primary insur- <br />ance. For any covered "auto" you don't <br />mwn, the insurance provided by this Cov- <br />erage Form is oxoeme over any other col- <br />lectible insurance. However, while acov- <br />ered "auto" vvh|oh is e "trailer" is con- <br />nected to another vehicle, the Covered <br />Autos Liability Coverage this Coverage <br />Form provides for the "trailer" is: <br />(1) Excess while it isconnected kuamo- <br />tor vehideyoudonotown|or <br />(2) Primary while it is connected to e <br />covered "autu"you own. <br />b. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Cover- <br />age, any covered "auto" you |eamo, h/ny. <br />rent urborrow indeemed kmbeacovered <br />.auto" you own. However, any "auto"that <br />ialeased, hired, rented nrborrowed with <br />edriver |enot ucovered "outo^ <br />o. Regardless of the provisions of Pana - <br />graph m. above, this Coverage Form's <br />Covered Autos Liability Coverage is ph- <br />maryfor any liability assumed under an <br />"insured contract'. <br />d. When this Coverage Form and any other <br />Coverage Form or policy covers on the <br />same busiu, either excess urprimary, we <br />will pay only our share. Our share is the <br />proportion that the Limit of Insurance of <br />our Coverage Form bears to the total of <br />the limits of all the Coverage Forms and <br />policies covering onthe same basis. <br />G. Premium Audit <br />The estimated premium for this Coverage <br />Fnnn is based on the exposures you told <br />uayou would have when this po|icybe- <br />gan. We will compute the final premium <br />due when we determine your actual ex- <br />posures. The estimated total premium will <br />be credited against the final premium dun <br />and the first Named Insured will be billed <br />for the ba|anoe, if any. The due date for <br />the final premium or retrospective pre- <br />mium iathe date shown oathe due data <br />on the bill. If the estimated 8ute| premium <br />exceeds the final premium duo. the first <br />Named Insured will get orefund. <br />CA 00 01 10 13 @|neunamoe Services Office, Inc., 20,fl Page 9 of 12 <br />